Chapter 11: The Light in the Dark

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With the rest of the team RWBY in the waiting room still sleeping away, Blake remained in the ICU. After many hours and restless sleep, Blake's doctor came back to wake them up urgently. Weiss, being a light sleeper, was the first to wake up, grumbling when she had to help the doctor wake up the others.

I looked around in confusion and sleepily looked at the doctor as he said, "Ms. Xiao long, you are needed in the emergency room. Our patient seems to have regained consciousness and seems to be under heavy distress."

I blinked sleepily at him as it was only 3 in the morning. Then I registered his words as I shot to my feet and demanded, "where is she? What's wrong? Is she okay? Is she stable?" 

The doctor said, "she is in stable condition, she is lucky that you got to her in time. We gave her a blood transfusion and some stitches so all she needs now is some rest. After that, with some medication, her aura should heal the rest. Then she should be up and at it again."

He paused and took a deep breath, unsure of how to proceed.

"It's just with all of the trauma she went through, and she woke up with quite a fright. So if you come right this way." He turns and leads me to the room. 

Weiss and Ruby stay behind as I am ushered into a room. I immediately head for Blake's bed. Blake was currently on her side in a fetal position, shaking with her arms covering her head.

I instantly softened up, turning into a big teddy bear as I walked over and whispered softly, "hey Blakey, it's me, Yang. The Blondie." 

Blake keeps quivering as she seems stuck in flashbacks. Blake keeps muttering uncomprehendingly in a frightened tone, flinching when I try to touch her.

I sighed, being patient as I knew how frail Blake's mind is currently. I then gently grabbed her wrist as I stroked her palm with my thumb. And in a soothing, soft voice, I said, "kit-cat, everything is okay. I am here, and nothing will harm you now." 

This seemed to calm Blake a little bit as she grasped my hands in support. Though Blake was still stuck in the flashbacks as she said in a scared, lost tone, "it won't stop, he won't go away. Yang, please, help me. Don't go…" 

I murmured to her warmly, "shhh, I am here Blakey, I am here. Everything will be okay." Yang holds back tears as she gently pulls Blake's arms away from her face. I remained very patient, moving to cup Blakes face between my hands.


I faintly heard someone talking to me, though with the blood pulsing in my ears and his voice lingering in my head, I couldn't make out who it was or what it said. All I seemed to be able to focus on was the outright fear and pain that I felt in my memories and his menacing words over and over.

The voice in the background didn't waver, though, as it kept talking to me. It was warm and soothing, and even though I couldn't make out what it was saying, I felt like it was real and honest. I then felt something soft and warm on my face, stroking my cheekbones. The more I turned my attention on those things, the more I pulled out of what was happening in my head. With Adam's voice increasing in aggressiveness, my interest went to the other one, and it became louder and louder till I cracked my eyes open. 

At first, things didn't make sense, and everything was a blur of gold and lilac. I had to blink my eyes a few times before Yang finally came into focus.

Yang saw my eyes open, and they seemed unfocused and cloudy at first as she held her breath, waiting to see what I would do. I blinked a few more times slowly before recognition settled in, managing to croak out happily, "Yang." 

Yang seemed to be melting inside as she said, "hey kit-cat. You had me worried, and I thought I was going to have to kiss you to wake you up from your cat nap, eh?"

I blushed a little before I tried to scold her but coughed instead, and my throat hurt to speak. Yang instantly went, "shhhhhh, just rest, save your energy." She then held my hand. 

My eyes filled with tears of happiness and relief when Yang smiled warmly and said, "you are safe now; nothing will hurt you." 

I nodded slightly as I slowly relaxed my tense muscles. The doctor came in to check over my monitors and charts before he said, "you should be able to move without pain in a few days with the new technology and medications from the Schnee company. They have given us the best medications to help you heal up in no time with the assistance of rest and food." 

I simply nodded again as I insistently pulled Yang closer so I could feel her heat radiate off her, for I felt so stiff from being cold. Yang chuckles and pulls a chair to the bed so she could lay her head by mine, I eventually pass out peacefully from a mixture of the new medication and the morphine.

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