When he appears from nowhere

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I check my notes again before I'm heading to cashier. Toilet paper, check. Cleansing bar, check. Bun, check. Sausage, check. Lemon, check. I see other thing in my  notes and everything is done. I pick up some instant popcorn before check out.

"Jane"I hear someone call my name. But remembering that I don't know anyone in here, I continue walking.

"JANE" He said for the second time. I froze as I am familiar with that sound. I'm too scared to turn around. But I hear a footstep. The closer the footstep, the faster my heart beating. I'm trying so hard to not fall.

"Jane.."He said for the third time. And I turn around. And I see him standing there, still charming as before. His skin is more tan now. God, he looked more than just fine, still same as before.

"Jane.. you remember me?"

I bite my lip and silent catch me. I don't know what to say.


"I.. I.."

He smile and say " I was right. You are my Jane"

I gapped hearing what he said. Did he still saying my Jane? After these 10 years?

*12 years earlier
"Jane, promise me. You will always be my Jane." James hug me closely before he left me to his plane. He was going abroad to continue his study.

I only cry and cry. I really can't imagine living without him.

"Jane, come on. It is not long, 4,5 years only. I will be back. It is not like I will going forever. And we still can talk, right? I might not be back before I graduate, but we still can skype. It is not that bad. Only maybe my time is not as flexible as when I'm here. don't overthinking." He kissed me soft.

"I don't know, James. I love you too much that I feel I cannot let you go. How if you forget me? How if you meet another girl? How if you decide not to go back here? How if..?" Once again. His kiss stopped me.

He then touch my hand. "Jane, you know I love you. And you know there won't be another girl. And If, I decide to stay there, I will pick you up. Stop thinking, Jane... please.. I only go to study.."

That was our last meet. Everything is fine the first 2 year. We text everyday, every night. There is nothing change. Only we don't face each other. That is all. But something started to change in third year. Sometimes he didn't answer me for few days, and it became worst 6 month after. Sometimes he disappeared for 2-3 weeks. And he always say sorry that he is really busy. He still saying no other girl. He only focus on study to get good point and he can't wait to go back to me. He said he also need to do some part time job to have extra money. He said his parents is not in good financial condition.

The fourth year, he basically disappear. He only text me like every 2 weeks, and when I answer, he disappeared again, until he finally disappeared for months. My life always filled with tears every night. How could he do this to me. I am waiting everyday, but no single text from him. Until finally this is what I text him "James, I am tired waiting. How could you make me waiting like this. You promised me. I'll stop. You can focus on your study and work. When you have time, you can call me anytime. I will always be here and I will always love you. Nothing gonna change my love for you."

After that, there is a time when I send him email or text, ask how is he, how is everything. But no answer. 3 years I try to forget him, until I met Caine, who slowly cure my heart.


So why now? I feel like running, but I can't. My leg is tremble. Never did I forget about him. "James."That is all what I can say.

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