1 - Things Have Changed

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This is the sequel to 'Trust Me - Draco Malfoy'. If you haven't done already please check it out in my works.   


The summer had been long and difficult. I'd spent it living with Ana, Geoff and Avery. There had been hardly any communication with my parents, after a month of trying to contact them they finally replied with 'We're in Barcelona now' and that was it, therefore I've decided there's not much point in trying anymore. Staying in this house for this long however has proven more stressful than I could have ever imagined. As much I love Avery all she does cry now, day and night. Ana's become stressed beyond belief as she's tried to get back into the swing of working and Geoff's trying really hard to keep everyone happy but I can see him cracking. I think they need space so that's why I've decided to return to Hogwarts today, on September 1st.

"You don't have to leave, Jas," Ana says standing with me on the platform between 9 and 10, "You can just come back with us, it's fine."

"Ana, please it's okay. I'll come and see you all as often as I can but I really feel I should go back. It's one more year of school and it seemed silly to miss it." This is what I've been telling them about my reason to leave, not that I can't cope with living there anymore.

She sighs, "Okay, I get it. Just make sure you stay in touch with me, yes? I can't lose you again, Jasmine," She pulls me into a tight hug and doesn't let go.

As I slightly struggle to breathe I push against her force and say, "Of course I'll write, don't worry."

She lets me go and smiles, "Okay then, well you better run then, the train will be leaving in a minute."

I give her a small smile back before grabbing her back into a hug, "I love you, Ana."

"I love you too, Jas."


As I step through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 there I see it, the scarlet Hogwarts Express.

I walk straight onto the train and into the first empty compartment I can find. My friends don't know that I'd decided to return to Hogwarts yet so I'm looking forward to seeing them, especially Dean, whom I've been speaking to almost every day on the phone but I haven't seen him at all over the summer. Unless they are already in their own compartment they are bound to walk past me soon enough.

For the time being I decide to read through certain letters I had received over the summer, ones of which I hadn't replied to because I has no idea how... I'd stuffed them all into one envelope and put them in my satchel. As much as I don't know what to with them, I need to have them with me.


I know how you must feel right now. I'm so sorry; I don't know what to do anymore. I'm terrified and I can't escape from what's happening. I don't even know how to get to you and I really need you right now. I love you so much, I really do.


And another...


I don't know what I'm expecting you reply. I can understand why you don't want to. But I just want to know that you're okay. There's so much going on right now and I need to know you're safe.

D x

And one from last week...

Please, Jasmine.

Please reply to me, I can't cope with the silence. I love you so damn much. Where are you? Are you okay? Do you hate me?...

"Jasmine!?" A voice grabs me out of my daze.

It's Dean and behind him is Seamus.

"Jas, you're coming back? Why didn't you tell me?" he says giving me a brief hug before sitting opposite me, Seamus takes the seat next to me.

"Surprise," I say throwing my hands up in the air to fake enthusiasm.

Dean shakes his head but smiles, "I hate you sometimes you know."

I smile back at my best friend before Seamus speaks up .

"So, why are you back? I thought you hated Hogwarts?"

"Yeah, well I realised I hated living with Ana for that long just a little bit more." I shrug. Perhaps that was bit harsh.

"Really?" Dean jumps in again, "I thought you loved it there."

"I did. But it all just got a bit too much, you know? There was a lot of stress and I felt I couldn't do with that right now."

Dean nods, "Well you've got us now, and we can make it better. And then Blaise when you're in your with the Slytherins."

Blaise. I hadn't spoken to him since he I left him standing in the common room after he said he thought we'd end up together. I hope he's okay.

The journey to Hogwarts is spent with each of us sharing stories from our summer and to be honest none of them were particularly exciting. When the sky was dark we arrived back at our school of magic but this time something seemed different. There was a weird silence when stepping off the train, everyone was being pushed onto the carriages and there was no time to stop and look for anyone you knew. I managed to stay with Dean and Seamus and we ended up on a carriage with a load of frightened looking second years. Even the journey up the castle was different, still the same eerie silence as there was on the platform and everything seemed darker than usual too.

As we reached the school it was another rush to get into the great hall and as I stepped through the doors I saw Snape opposite sitting in Dumbledore's seat.

Of course, Snape was headmaster. No wonder the atmosphere was so dark.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Dean speaks in an almost none existent whisper.

I take a seat at the Slytherin table, as far away from the teachers table as I can. I look around a Blaise but I can't seem to spot him anyway.

The sorting ceremony begins without a song from the sorting hat, it seems it has nothing to say apart from the houses the students are being put into to, it's like it doesn't even think about it, it just says one. It's over in a matter of minutes. Next, instead of the feast beginning Snape stands up to speak.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts, or welcome to Hogwarts if you've just arrived. For those you who do not know, or have not worked it out, I am the new Headmaster of this school. And as Headmaster it is my job to keep the school running as it should. Things have changed in the wizarding world, as I am sure you are all aware. If not, I urge you to read the paper once in a while or ask the person next to you. Due to the change, I have appointed new teachers to certain subjects who I feel you will benefit from learning from. Amycus Carrow will be taking Defence Against the Dark Arts and Alecto Carrow will be taking Muggle Studies, which has now become a compulsory subject so expect to see it on your timetables tomorrow morning. All of you have a lot to learn this year, so don't expect to get away with slacking as it will not be tolerated." After his speech Snape walks down the middle isle of the hall and out of the doors. There is a deathly silent before the feast finally appears in front of us all.


Thank you all for reading! I am so excited about this sequel, so please let me know what you think. 

And be sure to follow me for regular updates and vote on my chapters because it means a lot. xx

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