18 - All The Love

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 In a flash of emerald flames, I arrive in the fireplace at Malfoy Manor. It's quiet, more so than the last time I was here but if anything, it feels more peaceful.

"Jasmine?" I hear a voice from across the room as I look its way I see Narcissa stepping through the doorway, a goblet in her hand. "You left the fight? Oh, sweetie." She sets her drink down on the oak coffee table and comes over to me, immediately embracing in a hug. It feels different than any hug my own mother gave me, it feels as though she is genuinely happy I am here, and safe. "Oh, Jasmine. You beautiful girl." She says as she pulls away from me. She eyes up and down my ripped clothes and I watch as her gaze falls upon my arm.

"I'm fine." I say.

She looks me in the eye, "Are we looking at the same wound? Don't be silly. Sit down."

We take a seat on the leather sofa together and she points her want over at the cabinet across the room. Without a word a box comes floating over to where we're sat. "Phoenix tears will fix you right up." She takes a small vial from the box and proceeds to tip a few drops onto my open wounds. In an instant they heal up leaving nothing but clear skin behind. "There you go. Perfect once again."

I smile, "Thank you for this and thanks for Harry too."

She takes her goblet back and takes a sip from it, "I couldn't let that boy die. We come from a bad family, Jasmine, but we're not bad people."

"I know. How do we know when it's over?"

"Oh we'll know. You'll know." She smiles, "Anyway, it's not me you're here to see. He's in the courtyard, by the fountain. Hasn't moved since we got back, I'm sure you can change that."

"I hope so," I say standing up.

"Oh, dinners at six. I assuming you're staying."

I smile and nod before heading out of the room. As long as Harry defeats Voldemort this is it now. I can stay here and finally be happy. I head the wooden door that leads to the courtyard. It's closed but I can see him through the window, his head is down, staring at the floor. I take a deep breath before proceeding forward, pushing the door open quietly in order to not disturb him right away.

I smile, "Cheer up, Malfoy. Sad isn't a good look on you."

His head shoots up and his eyes meet mine in an instant. "Jasmine!" He shouts, jumping up from the bench and running across the courtyard towards me. As he reaches me, his arms fall around me, and he lifts me off my feet and spins around with me in his embrace. He places me back on my feet and immediately crashes his lips onto mine. The kiss seems to last forever, he pulls me in closer to his body with one hand and holds my face with the other. This is the kiss I've missed from him, the love and passion that I haven't had in so long. He pulls away slowly and rests his forehead on mine. "I love you more than you can ever imagine."

"I can imagine. Because I love you that much too."

He laughs, "You can never let me have my moment, can you?"

I pull away and hold him at arm's reach, "Of course I can't. Can't let the mean old Slytherin boy have all the power. Besides, you need to be put in your place anyway." I smile and let go of him. As I turn to head back to the door I feel him grab my arm.

"Is that so?" He tugs me back and I hit back into his chest.


"Well then," He leans down slightly to place a small kiss on my lips, "Why don't you do that."

Sliding his fingers down to my hand, he takes hold of it and walks me back into the manor.


"Draco gave you everything then?" Narcissa asks at the dinner table.

As I take a bite of turkey I glance across to Draco and smile, "Mmm hmm."

He shakes his head at me with a smirk playing on his lips. "She loved the wardrobe, can't go wrong with buying a girl new clothes I guess."

I swallow my food and look at Narcissa, "It's all amazing, you didn't have to get me anything though."

"Of course, we did," Lucius speaks from the opposite end of the table. I turn to face him, "If you're going to part of our family, we intend to treat you like one of the family." He smiles at me before looking over at Draco. "Well now, our world is safe thanks to Mr. Potter and I don't know what could happen in a few days, so I find it perfectly fitting now to..." He glances over at Narcissa, who glances at Draco who glances at his father in return. "Draco?" Lucius says, smiling at his son.

Draco sighs. "This is not really how I envisioned it, but okay, thank you, Father."

"Draco?" I say, putting down my knife and fork.

He smiles and stands up from his seat and begins to walk around the table. "Jasmine, I have loved you for so many years and I have wanted you for all of those and more. And now I'm with you, I can't imagine a life where you are not in it. I have lost you so many times and I do not want to ever go through that again. So, I guess what I'm saying is," He reaches into his pocket and my heart flutters a thousand butterflies as pulls out a small box. He slowly kneels next to my chair and opens it to reveal a brightly shining ring. "Marry me, Jasmine."

I feel my eyes welling up with tears as I stare down at the love of life. "This is everything I've ever wanted. I love you so much, Draco." I take his face in my hands and lean in to kiss him. I smile as I pull away.

"So, is that a yes then?" He asks, a smile on his lips.


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