12 - Christmas at the Thomas'

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This chapter spans over 3 days, I was going to separate the chapters but it they would have all been really short so I preferred to post them like this. I hope this is okay for everyone!


Time moves surprising quickly, as I continue studies at home, it's already Christmas Eve.

Dean's mum invited me to spend the holiday with their family so that's where I'm heading today.

"Are you sure you have everything? Enough clothes, your toothbrush, and the presents I gave you?" Ana is fussing over me in the living room, things have gotten worse in the wizarding world now and even Ana's scared, which is saying something.

I nod, "I'm sure. 100%. Stop worrying, it's next door to our childhood home, on the mugglest of streets going."

She gives me a concerned look. I know she's thinking about the house, the one our parents are no longer in.

"Ana, it doesn't matter about the house or mum and dad."

"I know, I just worry you'll be upset."

I shake my head, "I have Dean, how could I be upset?"

"Okay." She says simply before stepping back from me, "See you soon then."

"See you soon." The air around my spins furiously, lifting my body into weightlessness. There's a blur of colour a flash of light and here I am, standing in the hall way of the Thomas household.

"Hello?" I call stepping forward ever so slightly before I am pounced upon by Dean's little sisters. All of Dean's siblings are only half siblings but they're so close that you could never tell.

"Jasmines here!" The girls say in unison while dragging me into the living room.

I see Dean's brother, Jackson, sitting and watching TV. I say hello and he gives me a small wave. As the girls let go of me I head to the kitchen and sure enough there is Dean's mother, Leanne, cooking something that smells amazing.

She spins around, "Jasmine! My favourite child!" She chuckles before embracing me in a warm hug.

"Hi," I smile into her hair as she squeezes me tighter.

She pulls me out and holds onto at arm's length, "Look at you, you look so skinny." She eyes me up and down, "Don't worry, I will change that this Christmas! Dean's upstairs, Jackson will help you with your bags." She smiles, "Jackson!"

I walk back through into the living room and Jackson is already dragging my bags out and up the stairs. I follow closely behind him and head to Deans bedroom. "Thanks." I say as he drops my bags off, I take them the rest of the way and into Deans West Ham decorated bedroom.

"Hey, ugly." I smile, heading over to hug him.

"Hey." He hugs me back loosely.

I pull away to stare at him, "What's wrong?"

He sits down on the bed and I sit on the blow up mattress already ready for me on the floor.

"They're capturing people, Jas. People like me. I need to go somewhere, as in, not back to Hogwarts, not here, not with you; somewhere they won't find me at all."

"What? I don't understand."

"I need to go in hiding. If the death eaters find me I'm not sure what will happen."

I sit bewildered, looking up at my best friend.

He's never looked this concerned about anything. "When?"

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