2 - Zabini's Troubles

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I don't stay for long, I don't eat much either. I'm already regretting my decision to come back to this place. As soon as I manage to get the password off of a new prefect I head down to the dungeon where the common room lies. Nobody seems to be around; I must be the first here. Why the hell did I come back? It's not going to nearly be the same as when Dumbledore was around. The Carrows, I know them. Death Eaters. They were there when Snape killed Dumbledore. Which means this year, we're being taught by 3 murderers. Although, it's not the first time a murderer has taught us. This school's a mess, the more I think about the more apparent that becomes.

Suddenly, there's a noise from the boys dormitory. There's echoing footsteps walking this way. And as I sit staring for the mystery person to reveal themselves I see who it is, Blaise.

He stops dead as soon as he sees me sitting alone on the sofa. His eyes travel around the room then lock back onto me.

"You're alone?" He says, still not moving.

"Well clearly. Who was I going to be here with? Draco?"

He takes a sharp intake of breath as I mention his name.

"Where were you then?" I talk again, ignoring this reaction, "You weren't at the feast."

He shrugs, "Why'd I need to be? I know what's going on. I know that this year is going to be the worse year of our lives. I didn't need to listen to Snape tell me that."

"The Carrows are teaching us."

"I know," He says bluntly. "And your friends aren't about anymore. They saw sense I guess, realised how bad this school has become."

"I've got Dean," I say, "And you."

Blaise looks down to the floor and doesn't say anything.

"Blaise," I begin, "You've always been one of my best friends. You can't let something like this get in the way of that."

"Something like this?!" He explodes, "You're telling me I can't I feel bad about the fact that the girl I'm in love with chose the boy who treated her like shit for years?! Does that not seem like something that would get in the way?"

I shake my head, "But where is he now, Blaise?"

"Really?" he rushes over to me as grabs my bag.

"Blaise!" I shout, "What the hell are you doing?!"

He takes out the envelope full of Draco's letters and tosses my bag to the side.

"Give them back," I say to him, holding out my hand in the hope he'll do just that.

"You probably could have found him if you'd bothered replying. How many are here?" He starts pulling them out, "40? 50?"

"Blaise stop."

"No, Jasmine. He sent me owls too you know. Telling me about how many he'd sent you and you hadn't replied once. What was I supposed to say to them? 'Oh, Draco. I'm glad she's not replying because maybe that means she's done with you and might give me a chance.'"

"Blaise, please just give them back."

He stares for a moment before throwing them back at me, about 20 of them fall and scatter onto the floor, I immediately fall down to retrieve them.

"My point is, Jasmine. Stop trying to play the victim."

And with that he walks away. I collect the remaining letters from the floor and put them back into their envelope. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now; I can't just leave it like this. I'll need to speak to Blaise again. And another thing I'm sure about is that I have to reply to Draco.

Grabbing some parchment and a quill from my bag I write,


I'm sorry it's been so long. Truth is I just didn't know how to reply, I didn't know what to say. I'm at Hogwarts, I decided to complete the last year but I'm now quickly regretting my decision to do so. It's not the same here anymore but I'm sure you know what's going on. To be perfectly honest, I'm scared about starting lessons tomorrow, I saw the Carrows that night on the Astronomy tower and they don't look like the nicest of people.

And to answer your question, do I hate you? No, of course I don't. I love you, Draco. I don't know when I'll see you next but I can only hope that it's soon.

Jasmine x

A quick dash to the owlery and I send Nor off to give my letter to the boy I love.


In the morning it seems too cold to be the beginning of September and I've never been dreading lessons more either.

Once ready I set off to the great hall where I'm greeted my Dean.

"Morning," he says as I take seat next to him, "Ready for the first day of fun? "

I raise my eyebrows before getting myself some egg on toast.

"You okay?" Dean asks, he can always tell when something's not right.

"Yeah, just school."

He cocks his head, "You can't lie to me. What's really up?"

I sigh, "Blaise has decided he's in love with me and that he also hates me." I'd been thinking about this all of last night, and I still don't know what to do about it.

"What?" Dean says, "In love with you? But Draco's his best friend right? Isn't that a bit weird?"

I shrug, "That's partly why he's annoyed."

"And the other part?"

"He says I'm playing the victim."

"The victim? He's such a tosser. I'm sorry, Jas. But that's out of order."

I nod as McGonagall arrives in front of us.

"Good morning to you both. I hope you've had enough sleep because I feel your lessons are going to be quite in depth and intense," two pieces of parchment magically appear out of nowhere and she hands them to each of us, "There you go. Please try your hardest this year, both of you."

We watch as she walks away before studying our newly created timetables.

"Darks Arts first, you?" Dean says.

"Same," I reply.

"Well eat up; we've got to get going."


I'm aware this chapter is shorter but  I wasn't sure how to pad it out more without merging it into chapter 3... Still let me know what you think and also what you would like to happen. xx 

Thank you for reading, stay tuned for the next part. 

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