4 - Paying For Blood

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Next chapter is up!!! Here you go.... Let me know your thoughts. Xx

The rest of my lessons are not as bad as I had anticipated, my other teachers still seem relatively sane which I'm glad about. I haven't spoken to Dean since I went to see Snape and I'm sure he'd been wondering what happened. I walk into the great hall to see him sitting with Seamus and Neville, so I head over.

"Jasmine," Neville pipes up first.

The two other boys turn around to see me.
"Jas, I haven't seen you all day. Did you speak to Snape?" Dean asks as I sit down next to him.

I nod, "Yeah, but it was weird. He didn't say he'd stop it. He just said that we had to be careful and that I'd have to endure the pain tonight."

"Endure the pain tonight?" Seamus repeats, "What kind of sick thing does that mean?"

I shake my head, "I don't know, he just told me about how things were changing again, becoming more dangerous. Oh, and the mail's also being checked again."

"Of course," Neville speaks again, "This is all to do with You-Know-Who isn't it. So things are going to get darker and we need to be on alert at all times. Something's happening out there, why'd you think Harry's gone? Ron and Hermione too, they're trying to stop him. He's become too strong now."

"The three of them won't be able to do it alone. They'll get themselves killed," as much as I still loath Harry for doing what he did, I could never wish him dead. "They can't fight alone."
Neville's sighs, "I know, but no one knows where they are right now. It's like they've disappeared."

The four of us sit in silence for a few moments, none of us knowing what the right thing to say is. "They'll have to come back," I begin. "They're destroying horcruxes, remember, Harry went on about them for ages at the end of last year. Each one contains Voldemort's soul. So, as they destroy more, the angrier and weaker Voldemort will become and therefore his follows will become stronger and then Harry, Ron and Hermione won't be able to do it all alone. So where are they going to go? Here. They'll come back."

"And then what? Voldemort and his Death Eaters follow them here? They bring them to Hogwarts?" Dean says.

I nod, "Exactly, and there'll be more of us to take him down. There's a whole school of witches and wizards." And of course, when the Death Eaters come here, Draco will too.

"Do you reckon we'll be able to fight them all?" Neville speaks again, snapping me out of my thoughts of being with Draco again.

"Together. Of course we can."


At 5 to 9 I head back down to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom for my detention. All I can think about it is what Snape meant about enduring the pain, but I suppose I'm about to find that out for myself. I reach the door and before I have a chance to open it, it swings open.

"Good evening, Miss Gold," Amycus speaks stepping aside and letting me into the dark classroom.

There's a figure in the shadows and it steps out it reveals to be the Carrow sister, Alecto. "I'm very disappointed that you didn't turn up to my lesson today, Miss Gold, I was going to give you a detention but when I heard my brother gave you one I thought I'd just come and join in on the punishment here instead."

"Yes," Amycus speaks up, "Think of it as a two in one detention. Of course that means it will be extended, to make up the difference."

"Fine," I say, there's no point in arguing here, "What am I doing then?"

"Well you are just going to stand there while my sister and I give you a reason not to disobey us," Amycus smiles, "Does that seem okay?"

"What do yo-"

"Crucio!" he screams, I'm instantly hit with a beam of red light straight in my chest. A wave of immense pain crashes over me, drowning me and I collapse to the floor.

"Crucio!" Alecto's voice laughs.

I scream out in agony, I've never felt anything like this before. White-hot knifes pierce my skin and it feels like a roaring fire is producing from within me. I hear a muffled voice and I am hit once again. I try to push my body upright put to no avail; I crash back down smacking my head against the stone floor as I do. It's getting worse, the stabs, the burn, the torture. I have become almost completely blinded; all I can see is blurring of light and shadow. One more flash of red and a hit of excruciating pain until everything seems to settle down again. I lay on the floor, choking as I try and catch my breath as everything slowly comes into focus once again.

"I don't understand," Amycus begins, "How Draco Malfoy, holder of the famous Malfoy name, follower of the Dark Lord, could have ever agreed to a relationship with a traitor of blood," I watch him as he walks over to my limp body, he crouches next me and whispers, "You can thank him for this." He stands back up straight and calls for his sister. "Gold, you can see yourself out." And with that they both leave me, alone on the cold concrete floor.

I attempt to push myself up again and manage to achieve it while moaning in pain. My whole body aches, I feel as though all my muscles have been torn and my body is bruised all over. However, from what I can see of myself I look completely normal, maybe just a bit tired. I sit regaining my strength a drip of some sort of liquid falls onto my shoulder. I touch it and my finger is red, blood. It's coming from where I hit my head on the ground. I look to the floor to see a pool of it there and as I touch where the wound is I feel the wetness of my hair.
What am I supposed to say or do now? Should I go to the hospital wing and tell Madam Pomfrey the truth, or tell her I fell? No, it will just get me into more trouble with the Carrows. I'll have to go back to the common room and try and sort myself out.

So, with all energy I have left I pull myself from the ground, up to my feet again and begin stumbling out of the classroom. It seems a long trek back to the common room and I'm struggling to keep walking. As I try to keep going I feel my legs beginning to shake and soon I can't keep it up anymore.

"Jasmine!?" I hear a voice as I hit back against the ground. There are footsteps and as I look up I see Blaise running towards me.

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