7 - Goodbye For Now

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Blaise and I are left in the shadowed room alone as the Carrows leave. His breathing is heavy as he slouches in his chair.

"Blaise..." I whisper to him but he doesn't answer me, he simply sits and stares forward at the frame Draco had recently left from. "Blaise, I'm scared. Please Talk to me."

He shakes his head slowly, "You should never have trusted him. You called him evil and mean and selfish all these years but then for some reason... For some fucking reason you decided it was a good idea to fall for him. And this is what happens to you." He's facing me now, his eyes red from tears and his jaw is tight, "Why couldn't you stay as you? The girl who was friends with everyone, the teacher's pet, the quidditch star. The girl I fell in love with!" He falls silent again before getting up from his seat. I watch him as he walks towards the door; he looks back at me and goes to speak but catches himself at the last minute and instead simply walks away.


The next day I meet Dean in great hall for lunch, I haven't been out of my dorm until now.

"Jasmine, you look... terrible."

I haven't slept, I sat up all night in fear and sadness of whatever is happening within our world. And I thought about Draco, how strange it was that I did fall for him, even though I hated him more than anything. And Blaise, we were good together, before, and now he's lost me and his best friend.

"Jas?" Dean brings my attention back to him.

"I shouldn't have come back, Dean. I should have stayed with Ana or called my mum or something. But this was a bad idea."

"Jas, what are you talking about?" He turns to face me completely, holding my hands in his. "Jasmine, talk to me. What's going on?"

I feel my eyes start stinging and Dean takes it as an immediate sign to leave the great hall. We head outside, to the lake, a place where I had once sat with Draco.

"Jasmine. You have to talk to me."

"I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to be here, not when Hogwarts is like this. We can't live anymore, Dean. They're controlling us. I've lost everyone but you, but eventually-"

"Wait." Dean cuts me off, "You're never going to lose me. Ever."

I shake my head, "They'll make it happen, Dean. We're not allowed to sit together; we've both been tortured basically for being friends. And I don't want that anymore."

"Where exactly would you go? You said you couldn't stand it anymore at Ana's."

"I know. But it's better than here. Anywhere's better than here right now."

Dean is still holding onto my hand, he has been since the hall. He smiles at me, "Write to me. Keep me updated all the time. I can't believe you're leaving me with Seamus." He laughs.

I smile in return, he always knows how to make light of every situation.

"Okay, when will you leave?"

"Today, I'll get on my broom just like I did last Christmas."

"You better get packing then." He stands up and pulls me with him, "I mean it though. I want to know you're okay at all times. Just be smart about the letters. Don't put anything the ministry wouldn't like to hear."

"Of course."


Come nightfall I'm back outside with Dean and this time, Seamus.

"Snape won't be happy with you, so you'll want to get going quick. But be careful, the wind's picking up. I'll keep a watch on Dean for you, and if you ever need me, for anything," He smirks, "Just let me know."

"Shut up, Seamus." I laugh and hug him.

"See you soon then, Jas." Dean smiles.

"See you soon."

I mount my broom, and wave at the boys before taking off into the cloudy night sky. This won't be the last time I see this place, like I said to Neville before, Harry will come back... so at that point, so will I.

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