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It had been six months since the battle of Hogwarts and finally everything had come together. I stand and watch all my family and friends dressed in their best clothes, smiling, mingling and dancing.

"You did it," Deans approaches me from behind. I spin around, letting my white dress flow as the air catches it.

"That I did, so did you. Congratulations on giving away you first daughter."

He laughs, "You're funny you. It was an honour though, I'm sorry your parents didn't come."

I shake my head, "Don't be. They were never the parents I needed anyway."

He smiles, "Hey guys." Dean says, I turn and see Ron and Hermione walking to us hand in hand.

"What a gorgeous wedding. Jasmine, could you get whoever planned all this to plan Ron and I's please?" Hermione says while glancing around at the elaborate decorations.

"It was Narcissa, she kept most things a secret and I'll admit I was a little nervous but you're right, it is pretty stunning. And I can tell her, I'm sure she'd love to do it again."

"Well thanks." She smiles.

"You look amazing by the way," Ron says.

"Oh, sorry." Hermione blushes, "You do, I was focussing on the room way too much."

I smile, "It's okay, and thank you, both of you. And thanks for coming today."

"We wouldn't have missed it for the world." Hermione says.

"Especially since we were kind of the ones who set you two up in the first place." Ron grins.

"Well thanks for that as well then."

I hug them both before saying our goodbyes and turning back to Dean.

"It's going to weird coming to see you in Malfoy Manor," Dean says.

"Well it won't be forever. I've talked Draco into getting a smaller place. I feel like it would be nicer to raise a family in a place that has never been used as a criminal hang out."

"Woah!" Dean starts, "Not thinking of kids just yet surely?"

"Oh no, I need a few years where it's just Draco and I." I smile.

Dean raises his eyebrows, "Hot stuff? Yeah?"

I laugh, "Oh, shut up!" I hit his arm and he laughs back.

"I'm going to go get a drink, do you want one?"

"No thanks, I'm going to speak to Ana."

Dean nods, "Okay, see you in a bit."

I head over the table on the far side of the room where Ana sits sipping on a firewhisky.

"Hey, sis." I say taking a seat next to her.

"My little sister, married. Who would have thought it?"

I smile, I'm not so little anymore, Ana."

"That's too true. I love it though. Means you can babysit better."

"You'd have to move closer first."

"And leave my beach?" Ana says, "Are you crazy?"

I chuckle, and she smiles at me.

"I wonder how Barcelona is." Ana says as she rolls her eyes.

"You know what, I really couldn't care less."

She looks at me, "Aren't you sad they didn't come? They're your family. I'd say ours, but they disowned me a very long time ago."

I shake my head, "They're not my family. My family is here, it starts with you and ends with that boy over there." I point towards Draco who's chatting to Harry of all people.

"Are you happy with just having us?"

"Happier than I have ever been."

She nods, "Then its good then."

"It is."

I watch Harry walk away from Draco and my curiosity takes over.

"I'll be back in a bit," I let Ana know before walking over to Draco.

A grin forms on his face as he notices me approaching, "Well if it isn't my wife."

I smile and pull him into a hug, "Hi."

"What's up?" Draco asks.

I pull away and hold onto his hands, "What were you talking to Harry about?"

"Hmm, why should I tell you?" He smirks.

"Because I am your wife and we share everything now."

He laughs, "Okay, I guess you're right. He was just saying how lucky I am, and there's no hard feelings between us. He's happy for us."



I nod. "Well good, I'm happy for us too."

He spins me around and pulls me back against his chest. We look into the room of people together, I've never felt happier in my life. I feel Draco lean down, his breath against my ear and he whispers, "I'll love you forever. I promise."


There you have it everyone, I finally finished the story after such a long time. I'm actually really excited to read the two stories back to back myself because it's been a while since I've read it properly.

Thank you to everyone who stuck by this story for so long, and I hope you like the ending. <3

I Promise - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now