5 - A Waiting Game

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"Oh, my God. Jasmine..." Blaise is by my side and is cradling my head in his hand, my blood becoming apparent on him. "I'm going to take you to the hospital wing." He picks me up in his arms with almost no effort and starts to venture forward.

"No," my voice comes out in a mere whisper as I struggle to stay conscious. "Snape. T-take me to Sn-Snape."

His eyes are full of concern but he nods and soon is racing down to the new headmaster's office, with me supported in his arms.

"Professor!" Blaise begins to shout before we reach the door, "Professor Snape!"

The door swings open to reveal Snape, looming over Blaise and I. He looks at me, my eyes are barely open, and says, "Take this." He hands a small bottle to Blaise, "Go back to the common room, drop this on the wound, she'll be fine." And with that he slams the door shut and Blaise starts off again, back the dungeon.

Once inside, Blaise lowers me onto the leather sofa and kneels beside me, producing the small bottle, that Snape provided, from within his pocket. He pops off the lid and ever so gentle smooths back my hair before dripping the liquid onto the wound. It's warm and tingles, it's working instantly and the pain my head was in is subsiding rapidly. "Okay," Blaise breathes, slouching against the coffee table behind him and replacing the lid on the bottle once again.

I push myself up and sit against the sofa cushions. "Thank you." I say to Blaise, looking down at him. He's avoiding my eyes.

"Thank phoenix tears." He says, shaking the glass bottle up ever so slightly. "What happened?"  He looks up and meets my gaze.

"The Carrows happened. They're now using The Cruciatus Curse as means of punishment within detentions." I shake my head ever so slightly and then without thinking say, "They said I could thank Draco for it."

Blaise's eyes widen, I can see his veins boiling. "What?" He growls.

"No, it wasn't actually his fault."

"Blame Draco? Draco made this happen?"

I shake my head feverously, "Blaise, no. It's just because we're together. It's not because-" But he's already up and walking away, ignoring anything I have to say. "Where are you going?!" I call out for him but I get no answer, instead I'm left alone in the dingy lighting of the Slytherin common room.


The next morning I'm sat with Dean in the great Hall during our first free lesson. I have just finished explaining the events of last night to him and I'm waiting for his reaction.

"They tortured you? Jasmine, they can't do that." His voice is low in an attempt to go unheard over teachers or eavesdroppers.

"Obviously, but there's nothing we can do. I told you I went to Snape, I told you what happened."

Dean nods, "What about Blaise? Where is he now then?"

"I don't know," I say shaking my head, "I haven't seen him he left."

"So, what happens now?" Dean says, looking down at his muggle studies text book.

I do the same, "We keep our heads down and wait."

"Heads down and wait."

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