14 - Back Again

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After flying for what seems like hours, the Hogwarts castle finally comes into view. I'm scared for the events that are soon to take place here, but whatever happens, happens, and I will be ready.

I dismount my broom after landing and walk slowly up the entrance of the school. The only place I can think of going at this hour is the Slytherin common room so I head that way. I hadn't thought fully about what I'd do upon my return to the castle, to be honest I didn't expect to arrive back in the middle of the night, but here I am. Thankfully, the password to the common room is the same as it was when I left so I get in easily. The room is darker than usual, the only real light coming from the dying embers in the fire place, I head over and take a seat opposite on the leather sofa. My eyes are heavy and I'm soon drifting off to sleep.


"Jasmine?" I'm being shaken awake gently, a familiar voice saying my name, "Jas?" I wake up to see Blaise, he's kneeing in front of me, with a confused expression on his face.

"Blaise, hi, er..." I can't think of what to say to him. The last time we spoke he was furious with me.

"I can't believe you're back. Look, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I wanted to say that for so long, but you were gone and-"

"Blaise. It's okay, you don't have to. I'm sorry too."

He nods, "Look, Jasmine, you and Draco are good together, so good and I was upset but I can see that he makes you happy and I can see how much it's hurting you not being with him. Draco is my best friend, and I hate that I messed things up like I did. I love you, I think I always will but I know that you belong with him."

I stare down at him, I never thought I'd hear him say anything like that. I especially didn't think he'd ever except what was happening.

"There's just one thing," He starts again, "That I want to do and I'm going to apologise in advance."


His lips crash onto mine. I feel him pull me into him and I can't help but kiss him back. It takes me back to my first kiss and then I come to realise that I will always feel something for Blaise. Although it is nothing compared to Draco, Blaise will always have a place in my heart. He pulls away and looks into my eyes before getting up and walking away, he didn't need to say anything, I understand.


As I walk through the castle, I am desperate to find a friend, anyone I can talk to but I can't seem, to find anyone I know anywhere. There are Slytherins around, people I am somewhat friendly with, but none in which I could call a real friend.

"Where are you..." I say quietly to myself, asking for no one in particular, just someone. Then, ahead of me I see something changing, like the wall is morphing into something else. It's a door, the room of requirement. I run to it, before anyone else appears in this corridor, and open the door slowly to reveal what's inside. Here they are, the people I've been looking for, the ones I want to be with right now.

"Jasmine Gold." Lavender Brown is the first one to see me, her voice echoes and soon, one by one, everyone is turning around to face me.

"Jasmine?" It's that all too familiar voice of Dean Thomas. He pushes through the group and arrives in front of me and hugs me immediately.

"You're here," I say to him, "You're safe."

He nods, "Yeah, I am. I'm fine. And so are you."

I smile and he then ushers me further into the room, everyone turns back to their own conversations as I arrive to what I assume is Dean's sleeping area, Seamus is here too.

"The beautiful Gold has returned to Hogwarts. Welcome back."

"It's good to see you, Seamus."

He smiles and puts and arm around me, it looks like I'm staying here, until something else happens.


Thank you so much everyone who has stuck with this story for so long. I know I have been a pretty crapper updater with this, but I am so thankful for all of you lovely people who have been wanting to read how this story continues and ends. 

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