10 - A Surprise Visit

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Dean and Seamus are still there when I wake up the next morning. They're both crashed out on blankets on the floor.

"Wake up, sleepy heads." I kick them until their eyes open.

"You're not a nice a person in the morning, you know that?" Seamus yawns while sitting up.

"What time is it?" Dean says sleepily.

I check the clock, "9:30"

"Ugh, we need to get back to Hogwarts." Deans speaks again, getting up from the floor, "What are you doing today?" He says to me.

I shrug, "I don't know yet. Nothing probably."

Seamus stands up, "Sounds like you have a riveting lifestyle now, Gold."

"Oh, I do. It's just all very secret and I can't tell you about it."

He nods, "Fair enough. I'm off to the toilet."

As Seamus is out of the room, Dean and I start tidying the bedding off the floor. "Everything's going to work out eventually, you know that right?" Dean says handing me his side of the blanket.

"Yeah, I hope so. I just think things will still get worse before they get better."

"Maybe that's true. But it'll still work out."


Dean and Seamus are soon in the air and on their way back to school. I head back inside after waving them off and sit at the kitchen table. There's a newspaper. With the headline, "Harry Potter Sparks Chaos in London" I open the paper to read some of the article.

The Boy Who lived, wanted wizard, Harry Potter, was spotted yesterday at Charing Cross Road, London accompanied by two fellow ex Hogwarts students. An anonymous source tell us that Mr.Potter was running in the shadows of the street, assumingly to get away from any eyes which could result in his capture.

Harry's in London? I have to go.

Nobody's at Ana's so I can't say where I'm headed in person, so instead I write a note and leave it on the coffee table. Upstairs I change my clothes so I'm ready for cold winds and grab a few necessities and open my trunk to see the letter the Draco. I stuff in my bag, not for any particular reason but just so I have it. I throw on a scarf and am soon ready to head to London. I'm going to apparate there, which I'm worried about because I haven't done it since I got my licence but I should be okay, it's better than flying all the way to London.

I head outside and hold my belongings tightly, squeeze my eyes shut and focus. There's a flash of light and when I open them, I see Charing Cross Road. The street is dark and here's nobody around. The Leaky Cauldron is close by so I head for there. It's warm inside, the fire is lit which is a huge contrast from outside in the street. It's quiet inside; everyone is keeping to themselves and minding their business. I'm not sure what I'm expecting to find here, I know Harry won't be here but I wanted to start to try and get to them somehow, and if he was here, it seems like a good place to start. I head to the bar and order a warm butter beer before taking a seat a table in the corner. I sip slowly and watch the others punters around the pub, some writing, some reading, some sleeping.

Suddenly, there's a commotion from outside, a voice of a man shouts and there's a woman's scream. Everyone in the pub immediately becomes alert, chairs fall over, a glass smashes and a panic sets in as the door swings open. People in masks and hoods storm inside, death eaters. For a second I question whether one of them is Draco but I have no time to find out as I follow suit of crouching behind tables along with everyone else as the death eaters shoot spells left, right and centre. One of them comes over to where I am, pointing his wand at my face. I can see other doing the same to different people around the pub.

"Seen Harry Potter?" He says through his mask.

I shake my head.

He puts his wand under my chin and forces me to stand up, "Who are you?"

"Jasmine Gold." My body is shaking all over.

He lowers his wand, "Lucius!" He calls across the pub. Lucius? Draco's father?

A second death eater comes over and stops as he approaches me. He removes his mask to reveal himself. It's him, Lucius Malfoy.

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