16 - Hello Again

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I find myself standing and watching while a protective shield is formed around the school. Everyone knows it won't last long buts it's all we can do at this point. I head inside, alone. I'm suddenly full of fear, I've never had to fight. I don't know how I'm going to this.

I hear footsteps running towards me and suddenly Oliver Wood and a group of people holding brooms appear in my vision.

"Gold." He sees me and stops. "You're a great flyer. Do you reckon you could help us?"

"With what?" I ask.

"We're going to fight from above. But we need the strongest flyers and honestly, I think you're one of them."

I nod, "Yeah, absolutely, of course I'll help." They don't take me to get my broomstick, they simply give me one that someone else was carrying and then we head outside."

All too quickly, the barrier around the school is crumbling and chaos starts to take over.

"Let's go!" Calls Wood. Then we are all on our brooms soaring through the air and shooting spells as we go.

Already, below me people are injured and in pain. There are so many people, and creatures everywhere, attacking each other. Flashes of light are everywhere as spells are cast and shot.

"Stupefy!" I shout as I giant nearly hits me, it falls the ground immediately, smashing a statue as it goes. I throw more spells left, right and centre. Hitting things in my way and helping protect people below. "Reducto! Sectumsempra! Bombarda!" I suddenly see someone crouching, hiding from the fight and little bit behind him an unmasked death eater sneaking up behind, a steer my broom in that direction and shout "Confringo!" The blast is so powerful that I hit the death eater with the spell and it suddenly backfires onto me, singeing my bare arm and knocking me fully off my broom and into the rubble below. I roll out of the way just as a troll smashes his club down next to me. I get onto my feet and run into the castle. As I continue to run, what seems like whole of Slytherin house is running towards me from the opposite direction, so they're out of the dungeons. I divert down a different corridor and see three familiar looking figures up ahead. One in which I haven't seen in so long.

"Draco!" I shout and he turns immediately. I watch his eyes widen and before I know it he's running towards me, I do the same. When we meet halfway he throws his arms around me and crashes his lips upon mine. For a moment, I forget we're in a battle.

"Jasmine. It's you, you're here. Oh God, your arm, your head. Are you okay?"

I touch my forehead and its bleeding, my arm is burnt worse than I thought. "I'm fine," I tell him, "I can't believe it's you, finally."

He kisses me again before speaking once more, "I know, I'm here now. But we have to do this, okay? We can't stand here and talk, I love you but there's a battle and we both have to fight, we have to survive, okay? Then we can get out and it'll be just me and you. I promise."

I nod, "Okay, yeah. Where are you going though?"

"With Goyle and Blaise. I want you to stay as safe as you can, okay? Stay inside, please. They're fighting everywhere but stay in here and fight when you have to, and see to your wounds as quickly as possible, okay? I have to go, but I'll see you so soon. I love you, Jasmine."

"I love you too, Draco."

I watch him as he takes off down the corridor and disappears with Goyle and Blaise. I head through the castle in attempt to get to the great hall, throwing spells at people who try and hurt me further.


The fighting continues with force, I watch as bodies are flung in different directions and some people flee, scared for their lives. I stay and fight, battling anyone who challenges me. Draco is here, we both need to survive this in order to be together once again.

Suddenly, it all stops. And there's a voice, his voice again, Voldemort. Ringing through my ears and by the looks of it, everyone else's too. He says we have time to clean up our dead and fix our wounded.

Finally, I make it to the great hall and inside people are already taking seats with hot drinks while others cry and mourn over bodies. I see the Weasley's at the far end, George is crying on the ground next someone. It's Fred on the floor. I can't bring myself to go over and besides, they need to be a family right now.

I Promise - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now