6 - Love and Pain

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The next month is slow. More people are slowly learning about the Carrows harsh punishments and therefore the school has become quieter. No one messes around; everyone does as they are told. It's as though we are training for the army and we are all becoming robots.

"Miss Gold?" Alecto Carrow stands by my desk in muggle studies and whispers for my attention.

"Professor?" I say without taking my eyes off the parchment on my desk. I sit alone now in this lesson. I decided that if I wasn't allowed to sit with Dean then I'd rather sit with nobody. So, I'm isolated at the back of the classroom with almost no light to see what I'm actually doing.

"Come with me please." She starts to stride away towards the door, without hesitation I shove everything into my satchel and follow her out. I don't think I've done anything wrong, I hope I haven't done anything wrong.

Outside the classroom is Snape, Amycus and Blaise. "Miss Gold," Professor Snape speaks up, "I told you about the mail being monitored, did I not?"

"Err, yes." I look around at each of them confused, "But I haven't sent any mail."

"You haven't, but Mr Zabini has and it was about you."

I look at Blaise who immediately avoids my gaze by looking at his own feet.

"Well what did it say? Who was it to?" I feel I already know the answer to both of these questions and the reason behind Blaise left so suddenly that night I was tortured by the Carrows.

"To your Mr Malfoy," Snape sneers. "It spoke of the events of the night of your detention, Miss Gold. Information that we'd rather didn't get out to everybody. Therefore, you, Mr Zabini here and Mr Malfoy must all be punished." Snape looks me dead in the eye. There's an emotion there, something such as remorse or guilt. "I shall leave you in the hands of the Carrows." And with one more glance he walks away.

"I will release my class and then be downstairs," Alecto says with a nod before heading back into the muggle studies room.

Blaise and I then follow Amycus down into the dungeon, into a part of it I had never seen before. It's an empty room, with four wooden chairs placed in the centre, a portrait of a man on the wall and a rug sprawled underneath it.
"Sit," Amycus says and we both do without hesitation or any fight.

"I feel as though this one is going to hurt you a little more than it did before, Miss Gold." He smirks, "But how about I give you one just to start you off? Cruico!" He shouts with a cackle.

The familiar burning sensation hits my body with force, pushing me back against the hard, cold wood of the chair I'm sitting on. Blaise has been hit too, I can tell as he screams out in agony and clings onto his chair. This is the only time I've ever seen him in physical pain and I can't say I like it.

"Alecto!" Amycus calls. I look to my left to see his sister walk through the dungeon door. "How fun is this? Do you want a go before the real fun starts?"

She smiles broadly before standing first in front of Blaise, "Crucio!" She shouts. Blaise is immediately dragged back into a world of pain, I can see his eyes tearing up, and so I look away in discomfort. "Hello, Goldy. Crucio!" Once again knifes pierce my skin, leaving invisible scars upon my body. Still at the peak of pain I get hit again. I scream in agony and my vision becomes blurred, my body aches and as before struggle to see ahead of me.

"Now, now, Alecto. Let her save some energy. He'll be here soon."

He? Who's he? My spinning, I feel like I am about to be sick and then I see the portrait on the wall open up to reveal him, Draco.

"Draco?" Blaise shouts from beside me.

"Crucio!" Amycus shouts to him, pushing Blaise back in his seat. "Don't worry about him; it's her you're here for."

"Draco?" His name comes out in a whimper as he approaches me. I haven't seen him in so long; my cheeks now have waterfalls upon them.

"I can't do this," he looks over at Amycus, "Please!"

I'm finding it hard to fully understand what's happening. Draco's here. What is going on?

"Do it," Amycus' voice is low and raspy. He's standing next to Draco now, his hand on his shoulder. "Just once, we've already warmed her up."

Draco steps forward more ever so slightly, "I'm so sorry, Jasmine. Crucio!" His familiar voice shouts. His voice, the one that comforts me; the one I think of when I'm alone; the one that makes me happy, shouts that unforgivable curse. His spell hits me harder than the Carrows have done previously. It stabs me deep in the heart and twists while it continues to burn aggressively. The whole space around me is spinning violently and my eyes are open but all I can see is shades of darkness. Suddenly, I feel a gentle warmth on my thigh and on my face. It's Draco. A small kiss is planted upon my lips before he draws away again, "I'll come back for you. I promise."

I Promise - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now