he got out of there at first chance

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The pain and chaos was just to much for me

The constant fighting and screaming too painful

The memories I have of home are of pain

So now I'm striking out on my own

I'm going to forget the ones I left behind

I'm going to abandon my old life forever

I needed to get out of there fast

Now i'm gone and I'm not comming back

Your not going to hear from me again

I left and whats done is done now

I'm going to learn how to live on my own

Or i'm going to die trying

Because i'm not going back to the fighting

Because i'm not going back to the screaming

Because i'm sick of this shattered family

This is what kept me sane throughtout all of the fighting

This is what I told myself from the very first day

This is what's kept me going from even before day one

The day that I had a car

The day that  I was old enough

The day that I had enough money

Its the day I'm leaving this place forever

Take my money out of the bank account

Grab the keys to my car and drive away

The open road will take me somewhere

I really don't care where it takes me

Because with every mile

WIth every mile the pain fades

With every mile the anger fades

With every mile I feel more free

Authors Note: its for my friends older brother. you know who you are man.I'm not going to say more. I know he knows my wattpad username, and I know he reads my poems. He might read this poem at some point. I wrote this for him.


if you have read this poem man, then here's the news you wanted. since you haven't called or emailed or anything, i figured I might as well give you the update for when you read this becaue we all know you'll find it at some point

 I just want to say thank you on behalf of me and your little brother for doing all you did for him while you were there. Thanks for not breaking. I just want you to know that your little brother is doing fine. He didn't break under the burden. He's stronger than before. The two of you were complete opposits when you left, but he's grown up. He's a smaller version of you. He's doing fine.Its funny, it took you leaving for him to peice himself together. You were right man. He was crushing on her. He's found his soulmate man. She's the best thing thats ever happened to him. Thats a Miracle right? Well he's off the Anti-depressants now. He's so happy now its scary dude-as in Alex kind of happy. Thats all there is to tell you. And thanks, again, for being there for him. 

Dude, seriously, call or email us at some point if you want an update. you know the world is going to end before your brother's phone is turned off or dies on him. Other than that, i hope your doing good.

poems for my friendsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt