the last shred of hope that i have

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its the only thing i have left

I cling to it like some kind of physo

call me stupid call me naive

but at this point its all i have left

they say the teens years are the hardest

they say that its the most confusing part of life

they say its part of growing up

so maybe thats why it hurts so much

i keep telling myself thats the reason for the pain

its because i'm still so naive

its because there so much i have yet to learn

i keep telling myself that once i'm older

once i've lived a couple more years

that everything will start making sense

and that the pain will finally end

its the only shred of hope i have left

i don't know what the future has in store

but its going to happen anyway

so why should i try to figure it out?

until then i'll cling to the hope that time heals all wounds

that one day the viel on my eyes will be lifted away

and that things will start falling into place later

like a puzzel

you can't tell what it is

until you've got most of the peices

poems for my friendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora