the thing in the mirror

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I look in the mirror

and I actually know who I see

I almost don't remember her

I look in the mirror

and I see a scared girl

Wide fright-filled eyes

Face filled with confusion

I see the fear

That used to be who I was

But I became a fighter

I went through hell

And I got out

I survived the fire

Though my house didn't

But it made me strong

Only after it broke me

Now i see her again

The scared broken girl

The girl I used to be

The fire is gone

But there's another obstacle


Its come back for a fight

My refletion shattered

its not the girl after the fire

its the girl before the fire

It doesn't matter

the fire is gone now

Asthma is back

I glare at the mirror

Hating my reflection

But I know

that with time

It will change again

It won't be this forever

I'll win this fight

Even if I have to go down to win

Every breath taken is my victory.

Its a small victory

But I WILL win this war

I won it after birth

because I was premature

It came back for its rematch

I won it again

now its time for round three

I look in the mirror

I see myself this time

I see the fghter

I see the girl that beat asthma twice

I don't see the girl crying in the corner

Because tears never solve anything

poems for my friendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora