you saved yourself, and you saved jenny, i can never repay you for that

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Authors Note-Jenny became friends with Cindy about two months back, and that was all it took Cindy to get Jenny to stop cutting. She's stopped and started up cutting more than once, but I know that beetween me and Cindy we can keep Jenny from going back to the knife. Call it intuition, instinct, whatever you will. This is my poem of thanks to Cindy for saving Jenny. I know i'll never be able to repay Cindy for what she's done even if I have a milion years but I can at least try.

yeah i know i've written a million poems for jenny, heres a milion and one.

I’ve seen your eyes when your around her

They sparkle with a light i thought i’d never see again

I hear you bubbling laugh fill the air once again

The sound i never thought i’d hear again

Not a hollow small laugh

But the laugh that made birds sing

I’ve gone to the ends of the world for you

And i’d gladly do it a million times more for you

I’ve done everything i can

But it was never enough

So i’m grateful

For this miracle

I’m so grateful that she saved you

I don’t care if you ditch me today or tomorrow

I don’t care if you stop calling or texting

I don’t care if we stop having gril’s nights

You’ve stopped cutting Jenny and thats all that matters

She was there for you in ways i could never have been

She knew exactly what she was going through

She fought the knife and she won

And then she came and saved you

I don’t care that I didn’t save you

All that matters is that there’s no way your going back to the knife

I know you won’t forget me

I  know you just need some time

I did all I could for you but I could never relate

She could relate to everything

So spend all the time you want with her

I’m just so grateful that she saved you

Youre okay and nothing else matters

So I thank you Cindy

Thank you for saving Jenny

Thank you for making the knife dissapear

Thank you for giving me back my best friend

poems for my friendsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt