we won't break, we won't shatter, we will survive

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this is dedicated to all my friends who have been there for me

There are times when I feel abandoned

There are times when I feel like no one cares

Times when no one would miss me if I died

But I know that I can count on you guys

I know that you'll be there for me through thick and thin

Through the smiles and the pain you'll hold me up

Through the sadness you'll make me laugh

When i'm low you'll life me up

I'll bend but you won't let me break

Even If I do break you'll put me back together

you'll remind me that i'm accepted here

that i can laugh and be happy now

If I start to slip away i know you'll jump in after me

If i cry i know you'll wipe my tears away

I'm living in pain

I take it day by day

but you'll take the pain away

make me forget it with laughter

for all the times someone put me down

you guys lifted me up and let me fly

were like a building

it can't stand on its own

it needs supports

you'll hold me up

i'll hold you up

we'll face the pain together

one day the sun will rise

one day we'll all have seen the sun rise

some will heal faster than other

but we'll all see the sun rise

the pain will fade into a memory

together we'll get there

its harder to break twenty sticks

one stick will snap

twenty will stand firm

were there for one another

i've been there for you

because i know you'll be there for me too

poems for my friendsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang