the things i'd ask for

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some people ask for fame

some people ask for strenght

some for beauty

eternal life

others ask for less

because they have it worse

they ask for the pain to end

for a reason to be happy

for a light in the darkness

for a reason to stay alive

some would give everything

to just see that person again

some ask for death

others ask for a reason to live

some ask to wake up famous

others just ask to wake up the next day

i know what i would ask for

i would ask for my uncle to see again

so that he could know what his kid looks like

i would ask for kyla to come back

so that i wouldn't

have to live with the guilt

for jenny to stop cutting

so that i wouldn't have to see the scars

go to sleep haunted

wounder if she's slit her wrists

or if she's still alie

i'd ask for kyla

i'd ask for andre

i'd ask for grandpa

for all of them to come back to life

i'd ask for the pain to end

i'd ask for a million things I can't have

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