my friendship is forever

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its yet another poem for jenny, but I seriously don't care. She needs to know that i'm there for her, so i write poems for her. here's yet another one

the knife is cruel

the knife is cold

the knife is pain

my friendship is kind

my friendship is warm

my friendship is forever

the knife leaves scars

my friendship heals

the knife was there for you

when i didn't know

you were alone

so you turned

to the only one that knew

the only friend that you had

the knife

my hand is outstretched

to help you get up

all you have to do

is take my hand

just let me help you

my arms are open wide

so just walk into them

even if you just need to talk

my phone is always on

send me a text

just come over to my place

or just go to my email

you know i'm on the computer

most of the time

and you need to know

that i'll always be there for you

just please let me help you

poems for my friendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora