do everything today, because you might not be here tomorrow

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Live your life to the fullest

Do all the things on your bucket list

See all the places worth seeing

Go everywhere you want to go

Eat all kind of weird exotic foods

Laugh and be a stupid idiot all day

Doesn’t matter that people think your insane

Doesn’t matter that they give you the look

You’ll never know when it’s the last time

Gorge yourself on all the good stuff

Bring out the noisemakers

Party like some kind of a maniac

Spend the days with all the ones close

Your family

Your friends

Don’t let them go

Tell that special someone that you love them

You’ll never know what moment is your last one

So live life to its fullest while you still can

Don’t die wishing you had done all those things

There’s still time

Do them now

There's still air in your lungs

There's still blood in your veins

You can still see and hear

Your heart still beats

So make today

And every other day

The best that you can make it

Die with more good memories than bad

Don't die wishing you'd done that one last thing

Die knowing that you already did it

That your life's mission was fufilled

That your time here wasn't a waste

You used your time well

Don't die and just be a tomb in a cementary


poems for my friendsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang