how many times can you fix a broken toy?

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Every day life begings again

Shadows of who you once were

Are you holding on?

Are you still here?

Every now and then

Your weak heart beats

Your cold dead eyes spark

A sign that your still alive

How far are you willing to go?

What are you willing to give up?

Is this the last time your eyes will shine?

Weakened dead beating heart

Cold empy dead eyes

We've brought you back more than once

But there's only so many times

You can fix something that breaks

Until you can't fix it again

We've fixed you more than once

Gathered up the peices and put them together

But every time we fix you

Its like we miss a small peice

Peice by peice the amount we've missed grows

How many times can we put you back again

Before there's nothing to put back?

Every time you break we fix you

Every time you break the thread get thinner

How long until it snaps?

How long until we can't fix you?

How long until its too late?

How many more times can you break

Before you've broken to many times?

Before you shatter?

How long until you don't even want to be fixed?

poems for my friendsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin