G stupid fight

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stupid fight

its because of that fight@.fytij

that stupidness

meaningless fight

that you are gone

'i hate you!'

the last words i said to you

but how was i to know

that your depression had

gotten so bad


why was it that fight

that made you go over the edge

i hate myself

its my fault your gone

you said it wasn't my fault

that you committed suicide

but i will forever

blame myself

its my fault your dead

i will never forgive myself

but i hope

that your in a better place

you made me promise

to stay alive

but it hurt

every day

witout my best friend


that its my fault

your dead

its killng me inside

afterlife or not

i hope to see you

on the other side

i hope

that you can forgive me

i know its my fault

i know you wouldn't

want me to blame myself

but how can i not

when that stupid fight

over something so stupid

made you go over the edge

and the last words i said to you

were 'i hate you'?

poems for my friendsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat