i'm not leaving you

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your still cutting

but i don't care

you'll have to stop

one day you will

until then

i'm there for you

its going to be okay

you'll stop someday

things will get better

i know that you cut

but your not alone

i'm here for you

hold my hand

its there for you

i'm not letting you go

i already lost one friend

so i'm going to save you

i'm not going to let you go

cut if you have to

but you'll stop eventually

i lost one friend

becuase i wasn't there

for her

so now i know

that i can't leave you

you're not a lone

happier days will come

the scars will heal

i wont let you go

i'm here for you

through hell and back

i'm here for you

when my house burned down

two years ago

you were there for me

you didn't leave me

and now its my turn

so now i'm here

my hand is there for you

we'll make it though this


we will make it

because i'm not leaving you alone

you cant do this on your own

but i can help you

poems for my friendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora