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"I just remember that we are on the moving train so I look outside. And I found out if we don't stop the train before we reach the end of the rail...with our speed...we'll be human pancake from the force" Hunter move out of my way when I walk to the front of the train to check it out myself.



Scarlett's POV

Just like Hunter said,we are moving way to fast. I wonder why the train didn't get off the track by how fast we are moving. I look back at the hostage before looking at Hunter.

"Hunter help me find the break to stop this thing" with that both us tried to find the break at the control room.

"Scarlett I found it!" Hunter said. I go to him. From the corner of my eyes I saw that the claw like thing I cut before we land inside was about to attack us.

I push Hunter to the side. Hunter was bellow me. It crush the break and the control panel before disappearing. Maybe this is what Zeleos mean by stopping the train.

I walked to where Luca is. He is attending a little cut on Cynthia elbow. Her face lit up when she saw me. I just have her a smile. "Cynthia could you play with Lubird because I need to borrow Luca for a moment" she eagerly nodded her head.

"Is something wrong? I heard a commotion before" he walked to me.

"The break and the control panel was destroy earlier when we was about to pull it" Hunter explain. While I took the scythe back from where I put when I go searching.

"How can we restrain this train movement?" Hunter mumbled to himself. "With this speed I don't think we can just jammed the wheel. Even when we jump out of the train...I didn't guarantee our safely landing with this speed"

"I can't use the same method I use to board this train. There a lot of people and it will take time. We can't risk that" I lean on the door of the train.

"If we destroy the wheel...the train will only stumble and not stopping. It may even rolling off the rail" Luca added.

I look at Hunter "Hunter how many meters before we hit the dead end?"

"As I thought the agent from Black Op is stupid and lame" I heard a feminine voice said. We all turned around to look at the owner of the voice. Standing a few meter from us Is the guy with cap and the woman from before. "I don't know why we need to hand over our mission just because they're from Black Op. They're just a coward piece if s-" before she can say more she was cut off by the guy with cap.

"Stop it Lydia" he said sternly.

She tried to argue "But Ryan..." she pouted.

"Enough is enough Lydia" Ryan gave a sharp look making Lydia shut her mouth.

Lydia glared at me and sneered. I have enough of her so I move to her so fast that she didn't have time to react. I stand in front of her with the scythe blade at the back of her neck. All I need is one pull and I can cut her head off. Making the world more peaceful without this kind of people.

"You should keep your mouth in check. Or one day you'll end up dying because of your big mouth" I said slowly so she can heard what I said properly.

She just smirked before aiming a gun on my temple "You should keep in mind that we are the hostage here. If you ever lay you hand on me...what would the press said about that. Beside I can pull the trigger and end your life in the spot"

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