»♣«Sessantacinque:Highschool Reunion

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"No. I don't want to went anywhere with you. Little Red save me".

Scarlett just wave at us. "Have fun". She still dense and airhead like when I first meet her. I don't hate it because it's cute but sometimes I wish she was sensitive about this kind of thing. I might get murder by Kevin today.


»♣«Sessantacinque:Highschool Reunion

Scarlett's POV

"What do you guys think they would think as soon as they saw me?" I sat on the hotel bed as I swing my feet back and forth. "They use to call me a freak and nerd".

Kevin crouch down in front of me and hold my hand "You're no where near a freak and if you're a nerd, you would be the most beautiful nerd. Whatever they think or say about you...".

"It doesn't matter to us. All that matter is your happiness Little Red" Ralph tuck my hair behind my ear.

Orion who is seating behind me hold my hair in his palm before sniffing it. " But if it make you upset in any way...".

"We'll make they disappear without thinking twice". Ningky caressing my right check. "Because you're more important to us than those human. All the things that make you upset should all disappear in this world".

Kevin kissed the back of my hand "It doesn't really matter if it was a child or an eldery...".

"Once they make you upset...then that is the end of their life" Ralph smile but my instinct tolf me that he's thinking a wicked thought. On how to torture those poor soul.

"You need to remember we are here because of the contract you make with us" Orion whispered beside my left ear. "If you're gone, then we have no reason to stay in the human side".

I nodded and grasp their hand. "Don't worry I won't leave you guys alone because that's my promise to you".

They may look tough on the outside but their actually are very lonely in their own way. They may say harsh thing but they actually doesn't mean it half of the time...maybe...I think.

"Now back to the reunion". Ralph smirked "Ice Boy and I'll attend the reunion because we attend the same class as Little Red in highschool".

"Not fair. I want to go there too. Why can only you guys go there" Orion pouted.

Ningky threw a pillow at Orion. It hit him straight on the face "Stop pouting you Marshmallow Brain, it make you more hideous than you originally look. Don't make me use paper bag to cover your face".

"For your information I'm not that ugly. You're uglier than me. By the way its not fair for only you guys to attend with Sa-chan. I want to go there with her too".

"Did you forget that you and Emo Butler enroll in the school as a teacher and not a student like Dirty Pervert and I". Ningky crossed his arms over his chest. "It would be really weird if you show up. You have brain at least use it. Not stuff it with marshmallow".

Orion glared at Ningky "It still no fair. I want to stand by her side and show those moth*rfuck*r she's mine".

"Then you shouldn't​ be the transfer teacher in the first place".

"I lost the bet at that time. Its not like I can turn back time".

Ralph raised his hand. "Not my problem". Ralph peck my cheek "As long as I can go with Little Red I don't care what happen to you".

"You're too cruel. Then how about we told them that Sa-chan and I are married to each other. That would be a really good idea".

"Married?" I think for a few seconds "I think that wou-what happen to Orion?" I ask.

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