»♠« Novantaquattro: Scarlett's Birthday

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Hi guys, I know it really been a while since I last update. To be honest I been feeling kinda down recently and busy with work related things. Because of that I got no motivation to write the stories. Like I previously said, english is not my first language so of course there would be a lot and I mean a lot of grammar error along the way. I' m sorry about that, I'm still trying to improve myself. And I'm sorry that I can't find time to edit the previous chapter. Even I know it was a mess but I'll try to edit it in my spare time. So bear with me for the time been. That's all I want to said and thank you for still keep reading this stories. I really appreciate it. Thank you guys.


Kouraku take Scarlett in his hand and walk out of the room. All her teammates follow suit. Her familiars then disappear into the portal. Director Rei bid us goodbye before excusing himself.

"Well that kinda a lot to take in" I agree with Crystal.


»♠« Novantaquattro: Scarlett's Birthday

Bennett's POV

After the Scarlett drop the bombshell, we all goes back to the room. Looking at the other they seem to be deep in thought. No doubt thinking about what Scarlett said previously or maybe Scar. Without saying it, we all know that we been play by her. The way she twist us around her finger, are too smooth.

"Are we going tomorrow?" Hunter asked.

"Of course. Director Rei personally invited us. You can stay here if you want".

"You should be the one staying behind Creepy Stalker. No one need you there anyway".

Xavier raised his eyebrows, "Then what make you qualified to be there instead of me Pervert Four Eyes".

"I mean just look at me" Shawn indicate himself before pointing at Xavier. "I deserve it more than you".

Xavier just shook his head before walking away, he muttered something under his breath about wasting his time. He threw himself on the couch. Getting some rest I guess.Looking around everyone start to fall asleep.

As I look at the ceiling, the event today start to play through my head. It been a really long day for all of us. From fighting each other to raise our rank to saving the civilians from the Hell Creatures then Scarlett revealing herself for been The Slayer.

Honestly I was planning to celebrate Scarlett's birthday after we went back home. I already prepare the present at home. I guess I'll give her the present later. Seeing her true teammates...make me fee we're are unworthy to be call her teammates. They were out of our league, more likely we're out of their league.

Even The Sinners look at them, show that all her teammates are on another whole level. From the way they reacted, pretty sure they really hate Black Op for some reason. I wonder why. Does it related to the Black Op's scandal a few years back?

Glancing at my watch, it already quarters pass 3 AM, Better get some rest. Bet we're going to have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.


After getting up and refresh ourselves, we all head back to the room last night. Seem like are are not the only one there.

"Hey you, you are the leader right? Bennett?" a guy from The Fighter team ask. The "My name is Akashi. You already know that I'm teammate with Rei" he have a blonde hair. "I got something to ask".

"Uh yes. So what do you want to ask about. I don't think I can provide any help to you though".

"Don't worry I just want to ask simple question" he gave a gentle smile. The same smile I always keep on my face. If people were sharp enough, they would know that it was a fake smile.

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