»♦«Ottanta:Slayer Vs Sinners II

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"I don't think it will just end like this and by the way no smoking in here" I told Cecilia when I smell smoke.

Out of nowhere she was shot with something that create smokescreen. Alejandro did his job properly as a Snipper.


»♦«Ottanta:Slayer Vs Sinner II

Alejandro's POV

I look through my scope in the direction of Slayer after my shot. Usually ghouls would totally turned to pieces but we are talking about Slayer here.

After the smoke start to dismissed I saw someone still standing on their feet. I managed to shoot a mini bug so I could heard their conversation there despite being far. That's how I managed to caught Slayer off guard.

"Are you okay down there Fighter" Slayer look down on Ren.

He still had ice wrapped around his body but I didn't see the wound from my bullet on Slayer, "Of course I'm fine. You shield me with your cloak but don't think I'll go easy on you just because you protect me".

As expected from Slayer. My bullet didn't deal any damaged to her. I wonder what kind of bullet will work on her?

"I didn't expect you to go easy on me because that would make me angry If you do". She turn to look on my direction but not straight on me. " I know you could hear me Sniper. Let me give you a fair warning. I don't now your specific location but I know where you are".

I wonder how she can spot me. The estimate distance between us is almost 3 km give and take. It would be hard to see my position with a naked eyes and to top it off I even shot from her blind spot. She shouldn't be underestimate. But how far can she see me?

From the way it look, she use her body to protect Ren from my shot. The only way I could think she guess my position is she saw my attack on the last seconds or she had an infra-red vision where she could see heat. The later sound too ridiculous so I'll go for the first one. But how can she saw my bullet in a split second?

I don't want to admit it but she really is out of this world kind of person. In a good and a bad way. The good way is she's on our side and the bad way is, what can we do to stop her if she was our enemy?

She swing the scythe before stabbing the tip of the scythe on the ground. Slayer then pulled something out of her pouch before stabbing it on her right thigh. I wonder what she's planning to do?

After that she pull something from her scythe and insert the thing she stabber her thigh with. I saw she pulled the trigger before something come out from the top of her scythe that was aimed at me before I heard the sound almost like a rifle being fired.

As I use the emergency staircase on the side of the building to come down, the building shook really hard like there was an earthquake. Looking up I saw the top of the building has vanish leaving behind red rose petals. They fall to the ground.

"Wow" If I was still there I would be kill from the fall. Well that was dangerous in so many different level.

"Good thing I missed you right Sniper? Prepare yourself I'll come for you after I take care of things here. Better luck next time no your shot by the way" She turn around and attack Xu Mie and Kent that have showed up.

I better took this chance and re-position myself so I can get a better shot on Slayer. We might outnumbered her but she is still Slayer. We need to make sure we outnumbered her because that's our only chance to beat her.

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