»♥«Ottantatre:A Day Before D Day

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I start to play with Taiga and the other feline in the house. Their are the best. I like their fur, so smooth and silky and a soft paws. I look at Scarlett which been tackle and drag away but a wolf. She'll be fine. Its not like it never happen before. It always like this when she stay at the Drachen Mansion.

The only reason why I still with her because she is interesting to be with. To be honest I can betray her anytime I want. Destroying one of my heart wouldn't kill me. As long as she amused me I'll stay by her side but I'll drag her to His Highness is she didn't interest me anymore.


»♥«Ottantatre:A day before D Day

Luca's POV 

"You're getting good Luca" I dust off my pant.

"Not that good if I can't take you down nor make you fall on your back".

Scarlett patted my back, "Well...it might still take awhile before you can take me down but you have been improving at least".

"You really going to take part on tomorrow event right? No going back on your word".

"Yeah" Scarlett wipe the sweat on her forehead. "I never enter the event before and I got a person that I got business which participating in the event".

"A person?".

"Well two people to be exact" what did those people do to her?

"Luca want to know! Luca want to know!" Lubird circling as it chirped.

I grab Lubird and put it inside my shirt, "I'll be going up to my room to get shower. Call me for anything in my room".

"Sure" she wave at me as I walk out of the gym.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Scarlett start to stretching again. She seem to be fire up for tomorrow. As I  walk to my room I bump into Hunter.

"Luca did you see Scarlett?".

"The gym".

"Okay thanks" Before he could walk away I stop him by grasping his arms. "What do you want with her?".

"I got something to discuss with her. Regarding tomorrow. Why are you asking?".

I let go of Hunter's arm, "Nothing". After that I walk straight to my room.

As the water trail down my body I start thinking about Scarlett. Scarlett Drachen she suddenly enter my life as a part of Black Fang. Her relationship between Director Rei is still a mystery to us. At first I thought she use her connection with Director Rei to be part of our team.

I was wrong, far too wrong. She can easily overpowered us if she want to but she didn't. She could even be part of one of the Sinner's team with her level of strength. She got the connection and the power. Why isn't she part of the Sinner team yet? Unless...

I shut the tab before grabbing the towel to dry myself. "Maybe I'm thinking to much". Opening my closet I took my outfit.

I almost thought that she's one of The Sinners. The most mystery one of them all, 'The Slayer'. But that would be impossible. Why would the leader of The Sinners stood so low and be part of our team. That just ridiculous. Don't want to be arrogant or anything but Black Fang are one of the top team, just below the Sinner's team.

Every time I ask her why she's always fail her job with her current strength, she just laugh it off and change the topic. We been living under the same roof for almost half a year yet there's still a lot of thing we don't know about her. She always keep things to herself.

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