»♠«Trenta:She Did It Again

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Suddenly I feel again. My body suddenly feel like jelly. My body was slowly being push back by the force of the cyclone from my scythe. Black spot start to appear. Please not now. I still tired to stand my ground but finally my leg gave away and threw me back. My back hit the wall hard. Then I lost conscious. Guess I reach my limit. I just hope the other are save.


»♠«Trenta:She Did It Again

Ralph's POV

I look at her as Scarlett fly away using her scythe. I want to follow her to make sure she gonna be okay but her order are absolute. I can't denied it even if want to and I don't want to. I use my chain to tie up a bunch of the little creatures together before burning them. Then I smell something other than the burning meat.

When Scarlett blocked us we didn't see anything nor can we heard what she said. So that's why I'm asking.

"Why did I smell Zeleos scent in the air?" I look at Ningky.

Using his katana Ningky pointed at the portal on the wall where all this hell creatures come from "He was the one responsible in opening that portal to hell"

I tense when i hears about that "Where is he now?" I look around in hope to find him here.

"It no use to look for him now. He have gone back to hell. He said he want to report to his Highness about finding Scarlett" Ningky stabbed the eyeless monster on its head before freezing it and crush it.

"We need to stop that brat before that news get to his Highness" I walked to the portal but Ningky hold my arm stopping me on my track.

"Even I want to stop him before he told his Highness about milady. But right now we need to clean this shit first. What do you think milady would think when we abandoned our work just to chase after Zeleos"

Ningky punch the ground making it turn to ice. When the monsters slipped,Ningky stabbed them using ice spear from the ground. Making an instant kill. What Ningky said is true. Killing Zeleos before he reach his Highness is important but right now killing this creatures before Scarlett come back are more important.

"Right now we should just kill them first. The rest we'll discuss with the other" I engulfed them with the sea of fire. Hearing they scream in pain make me smile.

I almost forget about Scarlett other teammates until Xavier asked "I never know that the hell creature can create a portal to hell like this"

"A high level demon could do that simple thing" I said while watching the monster in front of me burn.

Shawn is firing bullet after bullet at the little creatures. Ones they die I burn them all in an instant "Demon? So are you saying the thing we are fighting is a demon?" he look at me in disbelief.

"I thought demon should be more creepier" Xavier added.

"This are not demon" the gave a confused look. "The hell creatures all have a some kinda of status in human company"

"The one we are fighting right now is a low level hell creatures. They're usually minion and ghoul. Ghoul are much stronger an and larger than minion. After them are a berserker they are more stronger and vicious than ghoul. Berserker didn't fight using brain but mainly using brutal force. We have demon. A Demon is much more stronger than a berserker not only in power but also in brain. A Demon usually a cunning kind of demon. They will use anything to get want they want. And lastly the ruler of hell,the devil. He is the ultimate ruler of the hell" Ningky explain while still fighting with 3 ghoul at the sametime. I don't how he still managed to explain and at the sametime fighting.

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