»♥«Ottantasette: Sweet Revenge

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So guys it been awhile huh, I'm so sorry. Let me explain, some of you might know about this. I'll explain it from the beginning. So a few months ago an editor from Dreame reach out to me and want me to publish Crimson Rose there under a contract. The good news is I don't need to deleted the chapter here. But the bad news is I need to slowly update on wattpad and focused to update on Dreame. I'll try to update another story under my account.

FuyuHime_Official sorry for breaking my promise to you

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FuyuHime_Official sorry for breaking my promise to you. 

By the way guys sorry if this chapter suck. I promise you the next chapter would be much better than this


She turn around to look for something before mouthing something I didn't managed to get.

The important things is what's her relationship with Slayer?

»♥« Ottantasette: Sweet Revenge

Keira's POV

When I heard my name was summoned by Dominic, I walked to the stage. At the same time walking to the stage is a guy with dark blue hair. He was smiling as he walk toward me. I remember him, he was one of the prominent newbie. Should I go easy on him? Because I would be bullying him if I fight him without handicap. Well I'll just keep my guard up for now.

"Ah Mr Keira. One of the Sinner's teammates. It would be my honor to fight you" he said all those thing with bullshit dripping from his lips.

I scoffed, "Oh please. We both know that's all just bullshit you blurted".

He just smile at me. Earlier when I saw him doing the test, he finishing it too fast for someone to be called a newbie. He was too suspicious to be just a newbie. At least I can test him now.

"I don't care for blood to be spill but no killing

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"I don't care for blood to be spill but no killing. Too much paper work for me. By now you guys should know the rules right? That's all I guess. Fight!". I look at Dominic weirdly. I know he have the Sloth sin, but does he need to act like one?

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