Percy x Shy!Reader|| do you like fallout boy?

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Requested by: @thewolforpercy
Sorry if it sucks lol

You were walking in the halls of your crowded school when you suddenly found yourself sprawled out on the ground with you books scattered around you.
You looked up to see three teenagers standing around you.
One was a girl with long blonde hair and striking grey eyes.
The other was a boy with crutches.
And the last one you lay your eyes on was a boy.
He had light brown hair with a tad of blonde in it, and his eyes looked like it held the oceans inside of them.
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry!" Cried the boy with crutches.
The other boy shook his head and helped you up.
"Im Percy." He said. "What's your name?"
"I-I uh-.." You stuttered.
"Do you like fallout boy?" You asked.
Realizing what you said you mentally slapped yourself.
You sighed and ran off.
"Is that her?" Annabeth asked once you were out of earshot.
Grover nodded.
"Thats her alright, her scent is strong." He told her.
Percy nodded, he wondered how someone so powerful could be so shy.
~time skip~
You walked down the halls again, yesterday replayed in your mind.
You couldn't get over how cringe you sounded.
'Do you like fallout boy!?!' What kind of response was that!
You sighed as you walked to your locker and opened it up, your first class was English.
You didn't mind English class, you liked reading and writing especially fiction.
You sat down in your seat at the back of the classroom, unfortunately your seat was not by the window.
"Hello class." Your teacher, miss. Abott drawled out as she stood in front of the white board.
"Today we will learning about Ancient Greece." She stated writing Ancient Greece on the board.
You heard a small "yes!" Whispered from a seat near me.
You looked around and saw the same boy as yesterday. Percy.
He met with your eyes and smiled.
Your eyes widened and you quickly looked down at your notebook, you heard him sigh.
"Miss l/n." Called your teacher.
Your head snapped up.
"Why don't you come to the front of the room and write what we're discussing on the board."
You slowly got up and walked to the front of the room.
You were in the way centre of the room when the Percy looked Up at you.
"Be careful of her." He warned.
You were confused.
Then you heard a screeching from the front of the room.
Your head turned to see your teacher, she had sprouted giant leathery wings put of her back and her face was...well, uglier than normal.
She looked like a reject angel.
and you, you stood there frozen unable to move.
Your 'teacher' started to charge at you from through the air, and you were still quite paralyzed.
Then, percy pushed you out of the road while the other ones started to fight her off.
You slowly fazed back into reality when you realised something.
You were on top of someone.
And it was the Percy, you blushed furiously and scratched the back of you neck awkwardly.
"I'm so sorry!" You blurted out as you got off of him.
He smiled and stood up.
"I prefer panic! at the disco."

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