Nico x Reader|| Leaving my past part 2

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You walked along the busy streets, your backpack slung over your right shoulder.
People shoved past you from all directions.
Your train left in two hours, and you were overjoyed to be leaving this city; although it felt as though you were leaving something bigger.
After your whole life being lived on the streets, and watching your family suffer around you, you were done.
You made it to the train station and handed your ticket to the conductor.
"We don't leave for another 45 minutes but you can board now if you'd like."
You smiled and nodded, slowly walking down the train cars.
You made your way to the very back, since your stop was the last; and came face to face wth three teenagers about your age.
One boy had striking blue eyes and brown hair, the girl had long blonde hair as a concentrated look, the other boy had messy unkept black hair and dark eyes.
Once their eyes had met yours their expressions were replace with shock.
"I-is that seat taken?" You asked, pointing to the only free seat, next to the boy with the messy hair.
For a moment he just stared at you, but his gaze was broken when the blonde girl stood up.
"Not at all, go ahead." She smiled warmly then gave the boy a look.
"I'm annabeth, and this is my boyfriend Percy." She gestured to the boy with eyes like the ocean.
"I'm y/n!" You smiled as sat next to the other boy.
Out of the corner of my eye You saw annabeth elbow the other boy.
"Umm I'm uh...n-nico." He told you, looking down into his lap.
You smiled at him, this felt like it would be a long train ride.
"How long are we here?" You heard nico whisper to annabeth.
"Like 20 hours."
He sighed, and looked back down.
"She might not even have the same stop as us."
Percy tapped you on the shoulder, you looked up.
"What stop are you?"
You looked at your ticket.
"I'm stop 47."
Annabeth nodded and Nico looked terrified.
"And she actually doesn't remember us? Like for real?"
Annabeth and Percy nodded sadly.
I put my headphones in and faced away from them as the train left the station.
I don't know how long it had been, maybe an hour or two; you'd been asleep.
"I just want her back annabeth! You don't understand!"
You heard nick whisper shout.
"What do you mean I don't understand??? She was my friend."
"She was my girlfriend."
Nico broke into a sob as you regained consciousness.
"I just want her back!"
Suddenly the lights on the train began to flicker, and things were rattling.
The train halted and came to a big stop, throwing you forward.
"Y/N!!" Nice shouted, he rushed to see if you were okay.
You raised your hand to your head and you saw you were bleeding.
"Somethings here, we're in danger." Annabeth said.
"What do you mean?"
Annabeth didn't say anything but handed you a sword.
You didn't know how to sword fight, but it felt familiar in your felt right.
You heard stomping, coming closer and closer to your train car.
You braced yourself, the door flew open and the windows shattered.
You brought yourself to your feet and came eye to eye with a monster.
A legitimate monster stood in front of you, with needle sharp teeth and leathery wings.
For some reason you weren't scared, instead as it grabbed for your arm you swiftly twisted away and brought the sword to its chest.
It disappeared into a poof of gold dust.
"What the hell is this?!" You screamed.
"How does it feel?" Percy asked.
"It feels...right." You answered.
He sighed and you stabbed another monster in the back.
"You always were amazing with a sword, or any weapon really; your mom made sure you were a perfect warrior."
You sat back down.
"What do you mean? My mom passed away." You asked, confused.
"We need to take her back with us." Annabeth stated.
"It's fate, the gods must've wanted it."
The others nodded.
"Come with us please." Annabeth said as Percy climbed out the broken window.
"Chiron would be happy to see you."

Should I do a part three?????
Let me know, and yes I'm back to trying to update regularly.
Requests are open!
If you enjoyed the chapter make sure to vote and comment!
I'm looking for an editor for my chapters, not only for this book but possibly for others.
Comment or dm me if interested.

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