Chapter Seven [Part One]

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Chapter Seven


"I'm Kai." Neither of us had spoken in several minutes. I was used to silence, but there was something about this silence that was painful and torturing.

"Ila." Her blunt answer was followed by her creation of healthy green leaves blowing in the gusts of ferious wind, that was spiraling around the tops of the trees, and among the soil that was spread across the ground.

I allowed myself to release the icy water from beneath my skin. I could feel the cold vibe take over me, beginning at my head and ending at my toes. My finger tips subtly rippled with the movement of the water. Before I could change my mind, the water was shooting out and hitting the trees in front of us. My arms flung backwards as if I were about to fly. I heard myself let out a scream of relief and pent up anger. The water kept coming out. It didn't stop. I didn't even want to stop it. I felt such power surge through my veins and through my blood. I felt so free. The water wasn't just seeping out of my fingers, it was flying out of my arms, my shoulders, my stomach, my legs, my shoulders, and eventually my whole body was releasing continual bursts of water. My mouth opened and I let the liquid flow out of there too, the cold grip began to loosen, and I felt my breathing slow down. I focused my mind on stopping the water. I formed the word "stop", and managed to speak it through the river of water leaving my mouth. My arms lowered and fell at my side, my eyes closed, and my fingers formed a fist. The water stopped.

I felt so in control. A feeling I had never felt before. A feeling I quite enjoyed.

"That was amazing." I almost forgot that I wasn't alone, and that she was stood only metres away from me. That she would have witnessed it all.

I felt my cheeks start to burn with embarrassment.

"I have no idea where that came from." It was true, it felt as if one minute I was watching the breeze, and the next I was making my own rough-flowing oceans.

"It came from inside. Don't be ashamed. I've been waiting my whole life to meet someone else like myself. Someone like you." She smiled at me, and held her hand over a blade of grass. The straw sized blade transformed into a large yellow flower. It had black circular seed looking shapes in the middle, and petals the colour of the sun around the black dots.

"That's beautiful. What do you call it?" She chuckled, obviously at my question.

"It's a sunflower, Kai." I could see why it was given such a name. I couldn't help but feel slightly stupid asking it's name, but I was happy that she didn't appear to be judging my clear lack of floricultural knowledge.

"I think we should start searching for Arcanio and Ember now." She interjected before I could comment on the flower again.

"Which way?" As soon as the words left my mouth, I saw her follow the grey tinted gusts of wind.

"Why are we following the wind?" I couldn't help but think that it was both stupid and pointless how she was relying on the wind to guide us to the other two.

"Who do you think is making this wind?" I replied to her with a puzzled look, she returned it with a frown.

"You mean you don't know who we are?" I shook my head.

"Kai, we can control the elements, and guard them. All together we are the most powerful beings on this earth. That's why we were taken from birth and thrown into isolation cells, and experimented on. For the earth to survive, the elements must always be here. There have been controllers of earth, fire, water and air since the creation of the universe. Once one of us dies, that one is replaced by a new born controller. It goes in a cycle. One dies, one is born, and so on. We come from a very long line of element controllers. The controllers before us made a mistake, Kai. They allowed scientists to experiment on them. They allowed them to poke around their bodies trying to figure out how they were born with such powers. It is due to these predecessors that we were isolated. We were somehow found and experimented upon once the others had died. And now we are here, Kai. Now we must look for the others so we can be safe together."

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