Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


The days passed by so slowly. More slowly than when I was stuck in a four walled, plain room in the Lab. The conversation flitted between flowing, and then awkward. The most we discussed were our experiences within the Lab. The only person who had kept the talk going was the Earth girl. She seemed intent on maintaining some sort of discussion among the four of us.

After the sun set again, we reached an almost circular area of lush grass with tall trees lining the outside. The Earth girl, Ila, from what I remembered, took the place - which she had claimed, in so many words, to be the front. She walked in a straight line into the circle, and turned to face us.

"We can practise here until we've learned the full extent of our powers. Then, when that is complete, we must travel and really begin our journey together." Earth crouched down, and squatted where she was stood before. Her eyes not moving from our faces. She scanned back and forth from us, waiting for someone to step forward. "As I expected, I'll go first." She remained in her squat but lifted a hand and closed her tired emerald eyes. She traced a vertical line in the air with her index finger, and as soon as the line begun, a winding plant vine left the end of her finger. She let the vine fall to the ground, and she then decided to lay on her front. Her eyes remained shut while she did so.

Ila's mouth slowly parted and she began to blow over the grass laid in front of her. The restful strands started to spurt up into various colourful flowers. She decided to then stand up, and face the tallest of the surrounding trees. She aimed both her hands at the tiresome tree. Ila formed a tight fist and then quickly pulled her fists towards her chest - causing the tree to follow. Loud cracks echoed through the area, and small leaves flew from the tree and on to the ground. Before the awoken tree reached the floor, Earth directed it through the sky and in to the distance. She didn't stop there, she then proceeded to use her powers to bring the ground from beneath her feet. The ground rose up with the Earth girl stood on top controlling its movement. She reached above the treetops, and halted the ground in mid-air.

"Who's next?" She shouted down to the rest of us. She remained in the air waiting for someone to step forward and perform their talents. I heard myself try to convince myself to step forward and demonstrate but my legs wouldn't allow me to move a single step. Before I could try again, the Fire girl shuffled in front of us.

"Guess that'll be me then." She spoke with a consistent straight and focused facial expression. As the confident words left her mouth she began to raise her hands, releasing hot orange flames. The balls of fire sat in her palms, awaiting her next command. The flames began to shoot in all directions, burning several by standing trees. Her confidence seemed to disappear, as she closed her hands and placed them behind her back. She looked to the floor and began to walk back towards myself and the Air boy.

"That's not all you've got, Ember. I know that for a fact." Ila's cool voice came from above. She was now sat on the floating ground. The sound of the statement made Ember turn around to face Ila.

"That is all I've got though." Ember replied. A subtle frown appeared on Earth's face, quickly turning back in to a soft expression.

"I know you have more." Ila whispered.

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