Chapter Seven [Part Two]

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Stay on task.

She barked her orders into my mind, forcing me to remember that I wasn't here to share stories like ladies in the bathroom.

"We've stalled enough." I gently placed my hand in between his shoulder blades and smoothly pushed him forward to follow the wind, as I was doing. The scared and shocked expression had been painted on his face since I had told him the story of the creators. It wouldn't budge - his face looked as if it were a mask. Unchanging. Fixed.

I said stay on task. She hissed at me once more.

I am, I need to play the friend before anything else. Please just trust me. I can do this, you chose me for a reason and I won't let you down.

"I-I just... How do you know these things?" His startled voice broke our mental conversation.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me, Kai. Some you will find out soon enough, and others you shan't."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He kicked the moss heaped ground as he looked at me.

"Let's just focus on walking." I dodged a bullet in the form of his question. There would have been no easy way to answer his query, and no easy way to recover from the answers I could have handed him.


It seemed like we had walked for hours, and it felt as if the sun had melted away along with all the warmth it should have brought with it. The trees were spread out in front of our weary eyes, they formed a make-shift path that we had no choice but to follow. His wind had disappeared, along with the sun, and along with the heat. The sky had turned from a comfortable light blue, to a passionate red and orange blender of colour. 

"Did you hear that?" My body swiveled behind to look at him. I then heard the sound of crackling wood, and hushed whispering. The wind returned along with a welcoming heat. I narrowed my eyes to see a small fire in the distance and the silhouettes of two people sat down. I felt my heart jump. 

We walked closer, following the speck of fire - watching the speck get bigger with every step. They must have heard our movement, as they shot up from the floor to face our direction. 

"Have they seen us?" He questioned me. 

"If we can see them, then I'm sure they can see us," The words left my mouth, and as soon as they did, the other two in the now close distance, walked towards us with balls of fire in hand, and gusts of wind above. "Yes, Kai. They've seen us." I finished. 

No sooner had I turned away from the other two, they were stood only centimetres away.

"I am Ila. I do apologize for neglecting you both and I am very sorry for the haste. But, Ember, Arcanio, and Kai, we must leave now." They just stared at me with disgusted and confused expressions, as if I had just spoken a different language. "Is there a problem?" I asked. 

"Are you serious?" Ember stepped forward and glared at me. 

"Yes, I am serious." I could tell that she was not going to move anytime soon. 

Convince them. Her sudden order made my heart jump.

How? I need your guidance. Help me. 

Use your skills. She replied to my plea.

"Look, I am like you all. I was experimented upon. I was hurt - my trust in humanity has been demolished. That is why must trust one another if we can't trust the world, then we must stick together." It was the best I could have done. My hands were sweating and my legs began to tremble. The wind controller touched Ember's shoulder, making her relax slightly. 

"What are we supposed to do now?" He looked at me with soft and worried eyes. 

"We travel. We rescue. We kill." My voice was sharp and blunt. 

"What?" They all interjected. 

"This was only one of hundreds of labs. There are many other Supernaturals around the world - they must be rescued too." Their eyes widened until it looked as if they would leave their faces. 

That is all you need to say. Leave, now. You must gather as many others as you can and then we can truly begin. 

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