Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Over the last few days we had all engaged in small conversations, and a few of us had developed friendships, particular myself and the air boy. The way he talked to me made me feel special and cared for - something very new to me. Every few minutes I would turn my head to see him subtly smiling at me, and then when he'd noticed that I had seen him, he'd quickly face away from me with crimsoned cheeks. I'd heard of what love was but it scared me thinking of what it felt like. I was scared of it being painful. I'd only ever experienced negative emotions such as, sadness. But somehow, I couldn't help but be intrigued by this feeling, love, it's unfamiliarity and possible danger seemed to make me curious. Although, I hadn't the slightest clue on how to feel love, or what I had to do to access it.

"Ember?" He whispered into my ear, instantly catching my attention. I allowed my eyes to then refocus onto his comforting face. His mousy coloured hair was slightly messy, and his sky blue eyes stared into mine making my insides want to melt to the floor. I slowly twisted my neck to see our campfire dying for the third time this evening, I instantly revived it just before the last spark faded into the darkness.

"Thank you." He gently spoke to me, like how I imagined music would sound to my ears. He stared up to the sky, and placed his hand upon mine, and gradually lifted my index finger, he guided it in front of our faces, along a mess of four bright stars that were flickering in the night sky.

"You see this one?" He questioned while he placed my finger, and his to indicate a star that stood out just over the tree tops. I nodded my head in reply, being careful not to move too frantically. He smiled warmly and slowly moved our fingers over the three remaining stars and explained how he imagined them to be the guardians of the elements before us, watching over the world still.

"Why do you think they'd still be guarding the world if we are here?" My voice sounded hoarse and close to a whisper.

"Perhaps they know something we don't." He replied in a mysterious manner, looking directly into my eyes.

The stars above seemed to shimmer with the mention of the possibility of them being our ancestors, as if to agree with the boy's theory and to convince me to also believe the same. The way they glared back at me gave me the impression they were watching, and were taking in our every move and our every word. I couldn't help but wonder what their power was like, and how they dealt with it. It felt as if a thousand questions were spiraling in and around my head, forcing a some what puzzled look on my face. My eyes narrowed and refocused - it was then that I realized I was in fact, only looking at four bright stars. It didn't seem possible that they were our ancestors, it didn't seem possible that they were still watching over the world. Even though I had slightly came to a conclusion, some small part of me doubted my judgment and wanted to believe the air boy's theory, but the dominant side forced me to continue disbelieving. 

"Ember, you in there?" I snapped out of my trance-like state to see the air boy waving his hand and clicking his fingers in front of my face, willing me to acknowledge him and return to the now. 

"Yeah, sorry." I replied, noticing the gradually decreasing light above. The air's temperature had begun to drop, creating a sense of mystery and danger. I looked down at my clothes, picking out every little crease and mud stain. I had never seen my body in anything other than the rags that clung to my skin now. I noticed the bumps appear on my arms, allowing me to feel the coldness, and consequently causing my body to shake subtly. 

"Are you cold?" Arcanio softly spoke, as his hands lightly grazed my shivering upper arm. I flinched at his touch as it reminded of the Labcoats that manhandled me with needles and knives. I saw his face tighten with worry, and his eyes drop down to look at the ground that we were sat upon. 

"I wish I could make you warm," his velvet voice spoke through my thoughts. I returned him a pathetic attempt of a smile as I relaxed at his touch, 'I just don't know how to do it." His tone seemed loaded with embarrassment and shame. 

"I wish I could make a better fire that stayed alive for longer than a few minutes. But, it's not your fault, we're all still learning, and I never usually feel the cold like this." I glanced at his face, in hope my words comforted him. He met my eyes, and they stayed on each other as if they had been locked and the key was lost. I felt his lukewarm hand fall gently on top of mine, causing the newly familiar feeling to reappear. He shuffled his body towards mine, and placed his remaining hand onto my cheek, still not removing his moreish and addictive eyes. 

"I promise I will not hurt you." He said in a hushed tone. As soon as he spoke his last words, his soft lips rested upon mine. He closed the eyes that made my heart race, and weaved his fingers into mine, as his lips lingered on my own.

It felt as if the stars were watching, and I could feel their gaze deepen. I felt heat and wisps of air surround us as our lips moved together like how I imagined a slow dance. 

He parted from me and rested his forehead on mine. Our eyes were closed, and it was then that I felt more powerful than ever. More uncontrollable than I had ever felt. 

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