Chapter 1

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I take a sip of my coffee as I turn the page in my textbook. It's my last semester of being a being senior in college. College has taught me a lot. No one cares who you are, what you look like, or who you want to be. Everyone just wants to learn. I've always loved learning. I close my textbook and put it back on the shelf. As I walk to the kitchen, I hear my phone vibrate. I put my coffee cup down and walk to my phone. I pick it up, I see it my brother, Frankie. "Hey Ariana! You're almost done with college, I've never been so proud of you. Mom and dad would be proud too." I smile at the text. Frankie has gotten better. He went to rehab a few days after I graduated. I never thought he would get better. I'm glad that he agreed to get help. He is still living in the sunny Los Angeles while I'm living in the freezing Connecticut. It's currently the end of February. And I know for a fact that it's not cold in Los Angeles. That weather is so bipolar. It's mostly never cold.

I definitely want to go back to Los Angeles and visit Frankie. Kendall and Hailey visited me around the beginning of January. It hasn't been that long but I still miss them a lot. It's weird that we're still friends when we're miles away. Kendall and Hailey started modeling and their own clothing line. They moved into their own apartment to make things easier when working on ideas—mostly because they're still best friends. I'm so proud of them. They always talked about modeling in highschool. Last year, In December, I went to one of their shows in New York. It was so much fun. They're so gorgeous it makes me feel like a pebble on the ground that someone just stepped on. I've met a lot of new people in Connecticut. I met this girl named Cora my second year at Yale. We're still friends. She's so nice. I also met a guy named Dylan. He's in my Art class. I already took Ari in high school but I decided to take it again. It's fun to me. Dylan is literally great at everything. But everyone is so carefree and nice here. Unlike LA. Everyone cares about what you do or how much money you have. That's why I agreed to the scholarship to Yale. And because it's been my dream college I've wanted to go to since I was about seven. I didn't have a lot of money at that time in my life. I'm glad I moved out here. I've grown a lot. I've grown to love myself. I'm proud of myself for my accomplishments so far. Right now I'm subbing in different high schools around Connecticut because I'm studying to be a teacher. I want to help anyone who is going through what I went through in high school.

"Hey Ken. Hey Hails." I smile at my best friends faces through my laptop screen. They greet me back. "So do you miss us?" Kendall asks. "Of course I do." I laugh. "How's Yale?" Hailey asks. "Well it still sounds a fish. And great." I smile, making them laugh. "I have a lot of exams coming up since it is my last year." I add, rolling my eyes. "Well I'm excited to see you graduate and look all pretty on that stage." Kendall says. "Me too. I'm proud of you Ari." Hailey smiles. "Thanks guys." I smile. "You should come back to LA! We need a lot of catching up to do." Kendall says. "I know. I know, I'm just busy. College is rough guys." I say. Kendall does the infamous gasp. She whispers something into Hailey's ear. "You guys want to tell me too? This isn't high school anymore." I say. "Come to our show!" Hailey beams. "Guys, I'm busy." I say. "We didn't even tell you when it is." Kendall says. I sigh. "Fine. Give me the details and I'll see if I can come." I say. "It's on March 1st. At six p.m." Kendall says. I look through my planner on my nightstand and it turns out I have nothing on it except study more. But I'll do that while I'm there. "I guess it's fate telling me something. I'm free." I say. "Yes!" they say, making me smile. "I'll look up flights right now. I got to go now." I say. "Okay Ari, bye see you in a week!" Hailey says. "Bye Ari." Kendall smiles and waves through the screen. I say bye and close Skype. I start looking up the cheapest flights to Los Angeles. I want to go a day before so I have time to get ready for the show. I set my flight for February 29th. I call my brother and tell him I'm visiting him. He sounded so excited it made me smile so much. I guess I'm going back to LA for a few days. Hopefully something exciting happens.


hope you enjoyed the 1 chapter of 'Forever Boy'!😇

chapter 2 will be longer... this is just introducing 'Forever Boy'.👀

thank you guys for waiting. im not really inspired writing this story. this is ultimately just for you guys.😂

im very very very excited for my next story it's better than my other stories lmao👀

also, i want to talk about justin and sofia. like ??? who saw that coming? NOT ME!!! but i mean no one really confirmed that they are dating buuuut it sure looks like it. so i don't know how to feel about them together but it's not my relationship or problem so i don't really worry about it lol... also justin and selena🌚 that was so unexpected i was shook when i saw that on twitter. there were so many parties on twitter last week and this week.😂 and why didn't justin just disable his comments?? again not my problem but very confused!!

anyways, tell me what you guys think about chapter 1😊

love and see you in chapter 2💜



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