Chapter 5

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"How long are you staying here?" Justin asks as he twirls his fork around in his spaghetti. "Till Friday." I smile at the table of my old high school friends. "I'm so happy." Hailey smiles. "You always are." I laugh taking a sip of my water. "I am! Having the old squad all together makes my heart happy." she smiles. "Yeah, me too, Ariana barely recognized Justin last night." Kendall laughs. "In my defense, his hair  is all cut off. And he got more tattoos." I raise my eyebrows. "How could you not remember me?" Justin acts hurt. I sigh then laugh. "High school was a fun time... towards to end." I smile. "Shit, you were Valedictorian." Hailey says. "Don't even know how that happened." I laugh. "So how are you and Sofia?" I sip my water. Kendall and Hailey also take a sip of their waters. I was confused at first but then I got the memo. He clears his throat, "We're good." he says. I nod. "How long have y'all been dating?" I ask. Kendall and Hailey try not to laugh. I look st them in confusion. "Lord, I missed a lot of shit while I was gone." I say. "So how long?" I add. "About two weeks..." he says. "Oh," I jerk my head back. Kendall and Hailey burst out into laughter. Justin's cheeks turn red. "Guys, don't laugh." I sigh. Justin grabs his plate and walks to the kitchen and I follow him. "You already know how they are," I giggle "Crazy asses." I giggle again. Kendall and Hailey's laughter stops and heels click against the floor. "We're sorry, Justin." Kendall says. "Sorry about how you've fell in love with a homie hopper!" they burst out in laughter. I let out a laugh. Justin looks at me making me stop. "We love you, Jus." Kendall and Hailey give him a huge hug. "Yeah, yeah... I love you too." He rolls his eyes. "We have to go now, see you later." Kendall and Hailey give me a hug and left the house to me and Justin. It was silent for a minute. I sit on a stool by the island in the kitchen while Justin is across my me by the stove. "You want something to drink?" he asks. "A water, please?" I say. He hands me a water. "How are Jazzy and Jax?" I ask. "They're good," he rests his elbows on the counter and his chin on his knuckles "You remember them?" he adds. "Of course I do, they are so cute." I giggle. "I missed that laugh, Ari." he says. "Oh, really?" I laugh. "Yeah..." his cheeks turns red. "And I miss how embarrassed you would get." I laugh. "Stop..." He puts his hands over his face. "I'm sorry." I say. "No need to apologize." he takes his hands off his face and puts them back under his chin. "Do you know those things you used to write in your journal?" he asks making me choke on the sip of water I just took. I laugh. "Yeah." I smile. "Can I show you something?" He asks. "Of course." I say. He takes my hand and takes me to his room. He lets go of my hand and walks to his nightstand. "What's that?" I ask. "My journal, come sit." he says. I sit next to him and he opens the journal to the first page. "Heartbreaker, 6/14/17." he says. "Read it." he hands over the journal and start reading.

'Girl you don't know how I feel,
how I really feel
Since you've been away, oh baby
Any chance that you could take my call,
take my call
If I got you today, oh?
Girl you say, that you don't wanna talk but it's cool
I've been thinking 'bout you all day long
Hoping you'll pick up your phone
Girl I know, that I don't wanna lose your love
Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby

Oh girl I got a secret place that we can go,
'Cause I really wanna be alone,
Baby nobody else gotta know
Just meet me later on the low

Don't tell me you're my heartbreaker
'Cause girl my heart's breaking,
Don't tell me you're my heartbreaker
'Cause girl my heart's breaking...'

I continue reading until it hits the end.

"I didn't know you wrote," I smile "Wow. This is amazing, Justin." I say. "Thanks." He smiles showing his perfectly straight teeth. "Who's it about?" I ask. He pauses and looks at me. "Uh, Sofia, yeah. Her." he says. "You knew her in 2017?" I raise an eyebrow. "Uh y-yeah, totally." he says. "She must've really broke your heart." His cheeks turn red. She was 14 in 2017? He was 19? Something's definitely not right. I look at the time in my phone. 12:36 PM. I've been here this long? "Justin?" I say softly. He quickly turns his head around. "Yeah, Ari?" he says. "Can I sleep here tonight? It's midnight and I don't really want to be driving at this time." I ask. "Yeah, sure.. Of course," he says "Do you need any clothes?" he adds. "Oh no, I'm fine, I'm wearing leggings." I giggle. "I'll sleep on the floor." he says as he walks to his closet. "It's your house. Feel free to sleep in bed with me. It's not like we're strangers." I laugh while putting the comfy blankets on me. "Right." he says. He walks into the bathroom and starts doing his nightly routine I guess. That thing he wrote was so beautiful. There's a part in there that made my heart melt. I forgot what it said, I'll ask him in the morning. There was a lot more writings in there but he took the journal back before I could read them. I want to read more of them. That made me want to write. My thoughts were cut off by the sound of the bathroom door open. I turn my attention to the door and see a shirtless Justin. Still got those abs... "Do you need anything?" he asks. "No," I smile "Why do you keep asking me if I need anything?" I ask. "I just care about... people's needs." he says. "Since when?" I ask. "Right now." He laughs and turns off the lamp leaving us in a dark room with light from the moon shining through the window. Moonlight. "Night Jus." I say turning around. "Goodnight Ari." he says.

I hope you liked chapter 5 of 'Forever Boy'😌

i'm back from the dead y'all

i feel like so bad, i haven't updated this in like 3 months. but i'm back!

the reason why i was gone is because i was so uninspired to write this story, i don't know what was wrong with me but whenever i tried to write nothing worked.

i'm excited to be back, while i was gone i was writing another story that i've been working on since the summer time. i'm very happy and excited for my next story to be released. i think y'all will love it.

thank you for waiting, you probably all hate me lol.

thank you for reading🌹

love and see you in the next chapter💛

Forever Boy (Sequel To LML) | JB & AGWhere stories live. Discover now