Chapter 10

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"You decorated the place nice, Kenny." Justin laughs and adjusted his white button up shirt. "Thanks," Kendall laughs, "Everyone is inside. Come on." she invites us in the huge rented house for our high school reunion. It's beautiful. I see Selena with her daughter by the finger foods, talking with someone. "I'm going to go to Selena." I kiss Justin on the cheek and head over to Selena. "Selena," I say, "Oh, hey!" Selena smiles with food in her mouth. "Sorry," she gulps, "Im glad you made it." she adds. "You too." I say. "Is that Gigi?" I whisper to Selena, looking to the kitchen island. "I think so, let's go talk to the her." she laughs. My eyes widen, but I go along. "Gigi," Selena says nonchalantly, Gigi turns around and gasps. "Oh my god! Hi Selena." she smiles. I make sure my posture is good, I clear my throat, "Hi, Gigi." I say. "Ariana?" she almost drops her glass. "Yes, that is my name." I say. "Wow, um, you look great." she scratches her head. "How've you been, Jelena?" I say. "Good." she says. I could tell she's annoyed, which was my goal. "Come on Selena," I smirk, we both laugh as we walk away.

The reunion was fun, lots of confused faces when I would hold Justin's hands or he would randomly kiss my cheek. I take off my beige knee high boots and run upstairs with Justin. He falls flat onto the bed. "I'm so glad to be home. I'm so tired." he says. I climb on top of him and sit. "What the hell are you doing, Ari?" he laughs. I lean in for a kiss. Innocent and vulnerable. I pull away. "I want to kiss you forever." he smirks. "You're still so cheesy." I laugh. "Shut up and kiss me." he says. I lean down and press my lips against his. "You're a great kisser." I smirk. "I know." he shrugs. I playfully hit his chest. "So are you and Selena besties now?" he asks. I roll my eyes and lay next to him. "Not besties, more like friends." I say. There is a pause, "When we were dating in highschool, we never been on dates." he says. "Only that one time when you showed up at my door unexpectedly." I giggle. "Sorry about that. I didn't even tell you it was a 'date'." he says. I laugh. "So would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" he asks. "Of course I would." I smile. I kiss his cheek and get off the bed, "Wait downstairs while I get ready." I say. He gets up and walks towards the door. "Since I was scrambling on what to wear the last time, what should I wear?" I ask. "Something as beautiful as you. But I don't think that's possible." he smirks and walks downstairs.

I go over to my suitcase, he said something 'beautiful' so I'm assuming fancy? Why couldn't he just say fancy or casual? I put on a bomber jacket with a lot of random things in it, a black crop top, a black and white plaid A-line skirt, and black pointy heels. My hair is already done in a half up half down with my bangs out and my makeup consists of eyebrows, eyeliner, mascara, and chapstick. I grab my phone and walk out of Justin's bedroom. I walk downstairs, "You look so pretty." he says in a little kid voice, making me laugh. "Thanks," I giggle, "So where are we going?" I ask, exiting the house. We get in the car, "A sushi place." he starts the car. "Hopefully I don't throw up again." I say.


As I was eating my sushi roll, Justin asks me if he can ask me a question. I nod my head, "Will you be a girlfriend? Again." he says, making me almost choke on a small piece of avocado. "I will be your girlfriend, again." We both laugh. "I've been meaning to ask you that."
"Yeah, it was pretty obvious that I like you."
"So when do you go back to Connecticut?"
"Thursday. Six days."
He nods.
"My brother wants me to move back.
"He does?" he beams. I nod.
"We're the only family we have. I do miss him, a lot."
"That's great, but what do you want to do?"
"I'm thinking about moving here after I graduate."
"When do you graduate?"
"Late May. But enough about my college shit, how's USC?"
"I'm definitely coming. And it's great. I actually like college. I thought I would hate it."
"I thought the same thing."
"I'm graduating in June."
"I'm definitely going."

I hope you liked chapter 10 of 'Forever Boy'❤️

i've been neglecting this story because i'm currently writing my next story and i'm just really excited for it.

but i'm writing the next few chapters left

there's only about 2 chapters left, i said 4 but there's nothing extravagant happening, so there's one more after this and an epilogue. then i will be publishing my prologue to my next story😌

thank you for reading🌹

love and see you the next chapter!😇

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