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5 years later

"I Justin, promise to love and support you Ariana and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed." Justin grins, he puts my wedding ring on. I turn around and look at Kendall and Hailey, my bridesmaids. Their pearly whites beam. "I Ariana, promise to love and support you Justin and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed." I slide the ring on his finger. I look at Justin and I's 4-year-old daughter, Harley. She grins at me, I smile back. "Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." the priest says. Justin grabs my face and places his lips on mine. It feels like the first time we kissed every time. Passionate and rough yet innocent and vulnerable. Everyone cheers. We disconnect our lips and Harley runs towards us and hugs Justin's leg. I giggle. Justin picks her up, he grabs my hand, and we walk down the aisle.


Justin walks over to the table, "It's time for the speeches." he smiles and kisses me on the cheek. I nod as Harley comes running into my lap. His aunt gives him a microphone, "Hello everyone, thank you for coming tonight." he says, everyone claps. "Uh, I just wanted to say how much I'm thankful to have two beautiful girls in my life. They've changed my life. Especially, Ariana. In high school, I was a player..." his face reddens and I chuckle, "Ariana would get bullied and she always caught my eye. One day, I sat next to her at lunch and she was writing in a journal. I said hi and she wrote, 'what are you doing here? not to be rude.' Since that day, I've loved her so much. We've been blessed with a precious little girl, Miss Harley. Thank you, you two for always being there for me and laughing at my jokes." he says, making Harley and I smile. The family and friends of ours clap as Justin plants his lips onto mine and kisses Harley's forehead.

Harley. My beautiful little baby girl. She is full of energy and positivity. She's always happy and can always make me happy. I had her 1 year after I moved back to Los Angeles. We no longer live there. We now live in Toronto, Canada. Los Angeles was too much for us. And too expensive since we had a baby on the way.

I'm a teacher at Harley's school. I teach 3rd grade. Being a teacher is fun since I love little kids. Justin is now a psychologist. He loves his job a lot. He loves helping people. But you already know that.

As Justin dances with our little girl, I think of how lucky I am to have him. Who would've thought I would be married and have a child with Justin in high school? No one. Justin is one amazing man. He makes me feel beautiful. Inside and out. We have fun with each other. Even when we're going grocery shopping. He always cracks the most stupidest jokes but I still laugh.

He showed me what it means to be happy ever after.

I'm sure I said this before but,
I'm glad Justin didn't leave me lonely.

I hope you liked the epilogue to Forever Boy (Leave Me Lonely Sequel)😌

this story had finally come to an end!

i hope you liked the ending, i think you guys wanted a happy ending lol, i had a lot of fun writing this story (and LML)❤️

i have a new story coming "soon"
(ari's definition lol)
which i'm very excited for. i've been writing it since i wrote LML😇

love you guys, see you in my next story!😌

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