Chapter 8

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"Good morning." Justin walks over to me and kisses on cheek. "Morning." I smile. "I just got back from a run, that's why I'm all sweaty." he says picking out clothes. "Um, can I have ibuprofen?" I laugh scratching the back of my head. "Just like yesterday morning." he laughs, getting a pill bottle from his bathroom. He throws me the pill bottle. "There's a water bottle on the nightstand." I take two pills, I walk to his bathroom and use mouthwash so my gross morning breathe is somewhat gone. I wash my face with a random face wash he had. I put my hair an a bun and pull my bangs out. "I can't believe I slept with my makeup on." I say walking out of the bathroom. "Justin?" "Yeah?" "Come here." "What? Is something wrong?" "No. I just wanted to thank you for taking care of drunk Ari." I laugh. "You're welcome." he says. "From what I remember... I had a lot of fun," I smile "Especially the kissing." I mutter and walk back to the bed. I sit on his comfy bed as he sits next to me. "Yes, the kissing was especially fun." he grins. "Can you kiss sober Ariana?" I turn to him. He leans in and pecks my lips. "Now take a shower, you smell." I shooing him away. "Wow. Okay." he laughs. I grab my purse on his tiny couch and check my phone. I hear the water turning on in his bathroom. I text Kendall, "last night was so fun, i need to talk to you and Hails tho. ill come to the apartment later." How are Kendall and Hailey going to react to Justin and I's little thing we have going on? Are they going to be happy? Sad? Angry?

Justin and I are watching Clueless and that reminds me of something. Kendall, Hailey, and I used to make him watch this movie so much. "Gosh this movie is so funny." Justin says while eating popcorn. "Hey, uh, Justin?" "What?" "Can we visit my parents?" He pauses the movie. "Your parents?" "Yeah, while I'm here I should go see them. I want you to come with me." "Okay, uh, when do you want to go?" "Can we go now?" "Lets get changed."

"I know this was really spontaneous but I just really m—" "Miss them." he smiles and walk over to me. "I'm sorry this is so sudden." I say. "It's okay. I know you miss them. I think the last time you saw them was that time when we took sunflowers to their graves the day after graduation." "It was." I smile. "Here's a shirt." he says handing over a black shirt with roses on it. "Thanks." I go to the bathroom and change. I put my gold rimmed glasses on hopefully they're doing something about my makeup less face. I keep my hair in the bun and walk out of the bathroom. "You look cute in my shirt." he says. "Thanks." I smile. "Are you all ready?" "Yeah I'll meet you in the car."


We arrive at the graveyard, I look at the flowers by the tombstones as Justin and I walk to my parents. Justin and I bought sunflowers before we came here. "It's right there." I point to the two cross tombstones next to each other. We sit down and put the sunflowers in front of the tombstones. I sigh. I'm already teary eyed. "Hi mom and dad. Um, I haven't talked to you in awhile. I'm sorry for that, it's because I go to school across the country, but I brought Justin here. And we bought your guys favorite flowers, sunflowers," my voice cracks. Justin rubs my back. "I just wanted to visit you because I really miss you guys. Frankie is doing good, he's almost done with rehab so he can visit you anytime. And uh, say hi to God for me, he's done a lot for me, my whole life basically," I wipe my tears away, "And, um, say hi to Jason Bieber for Justin because I know he really misses him just as much as I miss you guys. I love you two so much, goodbye." Tears fall down my cheeks. "You remember Jason?" his eyes are filled with tears. I nod and cry into his chest.

After 5 minutes of hysterically crying in each other's arms, we decided to sit on a random bench we saw that was not to far away. He intertwines our fingers as we walk to the bench. "My dad used to tell me stories about how him and my mom met," I sniffle and look down, "He believed that him and my mom were meant for each other. He told me that he's never felt that feeling before. She said the same thing. They did anything and everything for each other. The love they had for each other was so real. They're love for each other grew each and everyday until my dad kissed my mom and everything went all good. They had my brother then me," I smile, "I remember when you sat next to me that day at lunch. I was so scared and confused, look where we are now, we haven't seen or heard from each other in 3 years. I've only been here like 3 or 4 days and we're crying at my mom and dads grave," I chuckle and wipe a tear that fell. "We've come a long way." Justin says softly. "We know so much about each other, it's insane." I say.
We sit in silence for a minute enjoying the sounds of nature. "Can I take you somewhere?" I ask. "Yeah, where?" "It's a surprise, give me your keys." I smile.

I take him to the diner where Kendall and I used to work. "Remember this diner?" I ask. "Yes!" Justin smiles. We walk in the diner, all I smell is grease. Justin and I walk to our table in the back where we used to sit every time we came here. "I can't believe this place is still open." he says, looking around. "I know right." I say. "Hello, my name is Athena and I will be your waitress this afternoon, can I start you off with some drinks or appetizers?" the waitress, Athena says. "I'll have a water." Justin says. "I'll have a chocolate milkshake." I smile at Athena. "Okay your drinks will be out in a few minutes." Justin and I nod. "I'm glad you took me here. The nostalgia." he giggles.
"Ariana? Is that you?" I hear a woman say. "Oh my god! Flo!" I hug her. "How are you doing, doll?" she asks. "Great, how are you?" I smile. "I'm doin' good and who's this?" he says pointing to Justin. "This is Justin, he used to come here with me all the time." I smile. "Oh!" she yells, "He's your ex boyfriend, huh?" she attempts to whisper but fails. "Yeah..." "Well what brings you two here?" "I'm visiting LA for the next week and half and I'm catching up with old friends." I smile. "Alright, I'm glad you came, tell Kenny I say hi and she needs to come back here and visit me." "Totally." "Okay, I'll let you two have alone time." "Bye Flo." "Bye Ari." I turn my attention to Justin. "Seeing you socialize makes me so happy." he says. "Why?" I scrunch my eyebrows. "What I'm saying is that I'm happy when I see you happy. I don't like when you're sad." he says. "You are the sweetest boy on this earth, you know that right?" I rest my elbows on the table. "You tell me a lot." he giggles. Our drinks came and I quickly take a sip of my milkshake. "You're from Florida, right?" he asks. "Yes, why?" "Is the last time you went there still when you were in 5th grade?" I smile and nod. "You remember the weirdest things." I say. "I remember the little things." he raises his eyebrows. "I hate that you're so cheesy." I laugh. "I like making you laugh." he rests his elbows on the table.

I hope you liked chapter 8 of 'Forever Boy'❤️

i've been updating so frequently, do you like it?

this chapter is very emotional but i ended on a happy note... and i just wanted to include her parents in this story.

lemme know your feedback and tell me what you want to see in future chapters/stories i do after this one🤗

thank you for reading🌹

love you and see you in the next chapter🕊

Forever Boy (Sequel To LML) | JB & AGWhere stories live. Discover now