Chapter 11

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Justin and I knock on Kendall and Hailey's door, waiting to tell them that we're dating again. We knock again, "Hey guys! Come in." Hailey smiles showing her perfect teeth. I clasp my hand with Justin's, we walk into the house. Kendall walks into the kitchen, looks down, and gasps. Hailey does the same. "Oh my god! Are you guys—" "Dating, yes." Justin smiles. Kendall and Hailey dance around us. "Thank God, Justin was always complaining to us how much he wanted you back." Kendall says. "Kendall..." Justin whines, making me laugh. "Let's celebrate!" Hailey claps, getting a bottle of something, probably champagne.

Justin has truly changed my life. We make each other happy. We have ever since high school. They way he makes me feel is insane. When we kiss it feels like fire. I get butterflies every time he's by my side. It's crazy how small the world is. When I came here, I thought I was visiting Kendall and Hailey, going to their show, and leaving after the week was over and go back to my original life. College. No person in mind. Just school and work. But I ended up seeing Justin, my high school sweetheart, and falling in love with him all over again. I think back to when he sat at my lonely lunch table, writing things in my journal. I was sad and depressed. Then, a wonderful human being saved me. I'm so thankful for him. I thank him everyday.

4 months later

Here I am, laying in bed, with strong tattooed arms around me. I hear quiet snores from Justin. His head is buried in my neck and our legs are tangled together.
I didn't realize how much I missed Los Angeles. It's a beautiful city full of life. Everyone I've met is happy. Happy because they got noticed by a big company or happy because they met their favorite celebrity. And I'm happy because I'm back home. With my true love.

I've graduated from Yale and moved back to Los Angeles. Justin, Frankie, Kendall, and Hailey went to my graduation. Their screams were so loud, they almost got kicked out of the arena. I saw Justin graduate. It reminded me of high school graduation.
I moved in with Justin about 2 months ago. It's weird because we haven't seen each other in 3 years then I take one trip to LA and now I live with my ex-boyfriend. Being back in LA has definitely been a great time. I found out Gigi is a struggling model. Kylie is now dating a 26 year old (she's 18) and in college. She apologized for the rude behavior when were in high school.

Justin looses his grip around me and stretches. I look over to him, "Good morning." his raspy voice says. "Good morning." I grin. "Why are you so smiley?" he rubs his eyes. "I'm here with you." I say. He laughs and puts his hand over his face. "You're so cute." I grin. "You're making me blush." he turns around. I put my right arm around his torso and he puts his around my neck. "I love you." he says. "I love you too."

I hope you liked the last chapter of Forever Boy♥️

sorry this was short... i just wanted to get this up😌

also i changed my username! i used to be 'jarianasboca'. it's now 'moonlightamor'

the epilogue will be up some time today...

thank you for reading🥀

love and see you in the epilogue:)

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