Chapter 9

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"Can you drop me off at Kendall's place? She wants to talk about, uh, last night." I ask. "Yeah, I need to get back to my dorm." he says. He starts the car and drives to Kendall's house. "You have a dorm and a house?" I say. He nods. "My mom told me if anything happens to the house I rented then I have a place to stay," he shrugs, "And I'm at my dorm most of the time, it's a good place to study." he adds. "You go to USC still, right?" I ask as we pass streetlights and stores. "Yeah, and you go to Yale," he smiles, "Do you have a dorm?" he asks. "No, I didn't want to risk having an insane roommate." I giggle. "Luckily for me, I don't have a roommate." he says as I laugh.

We eventually got to Kendall and Hailey's apartment. I open the car door and turn back to Justin. "Thanks for the past like, 20 hours." I say. "You're welcome." he laughs. "Bye, l'll text you later." "Bye Ari." I get out of the car, walk into the building, and walk into an elevator. I press the 8th floor. Thank goodness no one went inside this elevator with me, I hate awkward situations. I walk to their apartment and open the door. Kendall opens the door, "Hi," she smiles showing pearly whites. "Hey Ken," Hey Hails." I say as I walking in. "Hey Ari." she waves from the couch. "So, what'd you want to talk about?" Kendall says going to the couch as I follow her. "Well," I sit on a chair next to the couch, "Justin and I, uh, did something." I trail off. Kendall and Hailey are wide-eyed. "Did what?" Hailey furrows her eyebrows. "Uh... we kissed." Their mouths dropped. "WHAT?!" both of them shout. "I knew this would happen!" Kendall throws her arms up. "Me too!" Hailey says. "Him and Sofia broke up." I say. "I knew that would happen." Kendall laughs along with Hailey. "What happened last night? I saw you two going upstairs..." "Did you have sex—" Hailey gasps. "EW...!" they both yell. "No! He didn't. Guys, this isn't high school anymore." I say. "I wanted to kiss him while I was drunk but he said no. Then I sobered up, after that he said that Heartbreaker was about me, and then we went inside then I kissed him and he kissed back then we went sleep!" I say quickly. "Heartbreaker?" Kendall scrunches her eyebrows. "He wrote it. Remember I used to write all the time?" "Yeah." they say in unison. "Well he wrote something about me and he wrote it a year after we broke up." I say. Kendall gasps. "Everything makes sense now!" she says. Hailey gasps. "When you left he was sad all. The. Time. It was kinda annoying but I get it. So a year after you guys broke up, he started going to frat parties and drinking a lot. I remember he came to our place, he was hella drunk so we let him stay at our place and he randomly started crying and he said something about writing something about you." Kendall says. "How come you never told me that?!" I throw a pillow at Kendall. "I don't know! We figured, you didn't care anymore." she mumbles. "I've always cared about him." I say. "I'm sorry." Kendall says. "I'm sorry, Ari." Hailey says. I sigh. "I except your apology." I say. We sat in silence for a moment. "Do you like Justin again?" Hailey mumbles. I nod and smile. "Oh my lord." Hailey laughs. "It's like senior year all over again." Kendall smiles. I fake a smile, thinking about all of the bad things that has happened in high school. "Maybe we should have a high school reunion!" Kendall smiles. Hailey gasps. "Good idea." she says. "I don't want to see anyone from high school." I say. "Why?" Kendall asks. "Do you know how mean they were? They made me feel terrible." I say. "So you want to let them still bring you down? So what? You feel fucking amazing now. I can tell. Let them know that you are not bothered." Hailey says. I sigh. "I guess," I say, "You're right." I add. "Yes the hell I am!" Hailey throws her arms up. "So when should it be?" I ask.

We decided the date will be this Friday. We have 5 days to get this whole thing together. "Isn't Justin's house the 'party house'?" Kendall laughs as we try to think of a place where this reunion can be. "Yeah," I say, "But I don't know, maybe we can rent a house. There's really pretty houses here." I add. "Oh yeah! We'll do that." Kendall says.


"Hey!" I smile to the girl who used to bully me throughout high school, and who once was my best friend, Selena. "Hey Ariana! How've you been?" she asks, sitting across the table. "Good, What about you? You look amazing." I say. "Oh, thank you," she smiles, "I've been good as well." she adds. "Where's your baby?" "She's with my mom, I was going to bring her but she was fussy." she shrugs. "What's her name?" "Stella." "Aw, she's probably so adorable." "She is," she laughs, "Do you have any kids? Or a partner?" she sips her coffee. "Oh, no, neither." "Oh yeah! I forgot you go to Yale, how is it?" "It's such a good school, do you go to school?" "Yeah, actually, I go to a community college here. It's okay, I wanted to go to a university but I had Stella." she shrugs. I nod. "So, uh, do you remember Kendall and Hailey?" I ask. "Oh yeah, how are they?" "Good. But we trying to get together a high school reunion, do you want to come?" I ask, hoping she says yes. "Of course, when and where is it?" "Friday, and we're renting house." "Yeah, sure." she giggles. "Do they all like, hate me still?" she adds. "Uh, they never really say anything but I'm sure they got over it, I mean I did after prom." I shrug. "I'm really sorry for all of the shitty things I did. I feel so horrible everyday and I'm very sorry, I know I said sorry so many times after prom." she chuckles. "It's fine, really. We all regret things, I'm glad we put that aside." "Yeah, me too." she smiles.


After I talked to Selena, I picked up Justin because I wanted to tell him about the reunion and Selena and I did miss him. "Where are we going?" he asks. "The woods." I smirk and turn into my old neighborhood. "The what?" he says. "Remember 'the woods'? I took you here all the time in high school." I laugh. "Oh yeah, why are you taking me here though?" he asks. "I'm just bored," I shrug and put the car in park, "Come on."

"I totally remember this place." he says as we walk to the huge rock by the stream, the same lights are still here. "Ken, Hails, and I wanted to set up a high school reunion." I say. "Really? Why? It's only been like 3 years. Isn't their reunions after 10 years?" he lifts his eyebrows. "Well, we thought it would be fun." I shrug. "Where did Ryan and Chaz go?" I ask. He shrugs. "We stopped talking after they moved back to Canada." he says. "Find them on social media and tell them to come back, that's what I did." I say. He gives me a confused look. "I messaged Selena on Instagram and we had dinner just now." I say. "Why'd you message her?" he says. "So we can have dinner and I could ask her if she wanted to come, and she said yes." I say. "If you don't want to come, then it's fine." I add. "I do, it's just I don't want to see the people who used to be assholes to you." he says, playing with a small stick. "Justin, I'm fine with seeing them, I can't just hide from them all my life, I'm bound the see one of them once again in my life. And I want them to know that we are all adults now and nothing hurts me like that anymore." I say. He sighs and grabs my hand. "I'll see what I can do, but you have to help me find the people from high school." he smirks. I grin. "I will!" I say.

We sit on the rock, admiring the the stream, talking about weird stuff and arguing about conspiracies, "I love this place so much. I'm so glad you showed me." he says. "I do too, you're welcome." I giggle. "And I'm glad you're studying psychology, you made me a whole different person. If it weren't for you, I don't think I would be on this planet, thank you for being there for me. You're going to save many lives." I say. He giggles. "Thank you." he says confidently. There was a pause, "I would do anything for you, literally anything," Justin laughs. "I love you so damn much it's crazy. I've never loved a girl as much as I love you. I will love you today, tomorrow, and every single day of my life. I've loved you ever since that day I noticed you sitting alone at lunch. There's never been a day where I thought I didn't love you. You have me thinking about you every second of the day. Some people aren't meant for each other and some people are and I think we are meant for each other, Ariana." he confesses. "I didn't think you loved me this much," I say "I also love you so much. I love the way you dress, the way you call me beautiful, the way your kisses feel, and the way calm me down. And you make me feel safe and happy." I say. I attack him in a ginormous hug. My arms still around his neck, I peck his lips.

i hope you liked chapter 9 of 'Forever Boy'💛

this is update is VERY late, i hate myself so much lol

but this story is almost over! i think there's about 4 or 5 more chapters and an epilogue🕊

are you guys liking this story? i like reading your feedback,

thank you for reading😇

love and see you in the next chapter!🌹

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