Chapter 6

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I woke up with a huge migraine. I realize I'm not in my bed or room—oh, right Justin's house. I put my hair in a bun and pull my bangs out and a few strands by my ears. I start walking downstairs to the sound of something sizzling. Bacon? "Justin?" I say. "I'm in the kitchen!" he yells. I walk to the kitchen to see him cooking breakfast. "You're cooking breakfast?" "Yeah. I always do." he says. "Do you have ibuprofen?" I ask rubbing my forehead. "Yeah," he grabs a pill bottle from the cabinet above him and a water bottle from the refrigerator and hands them to me. "Thanks." I take two pills and sit on a stool. "You want some food?" "Yes please."

"Why do you keep asking me about her?" he raises his voice putting his fork down. "Because every time I ask you about her you get defensive." I say quietly. "Well there's nothing going on." he says. "Justin, you know you can tell me anything. We've known each other for how many years?" I pause. "When I came here I didn't know I would see you so I didn't think past relationships were going to be in any topics. And I thought it would be awkward, but we dated for like 5 months. We know a fuck ton about each other now tell me what the hell is up with you and Sofia because I know when something is wrong." I say. "Wow," he pauses "Okay, uh, s-she's um, jealous." he says shifting in his seat. "Jealous? Of what?" I scrunch my eyebrows. "Of you." he says. "Me?" "Yeah..." "Wait, why?" "Because of what you just ranted about. You know a lot about me, and well, you know how long we've been dating." "Oh." "She said she wanted to break up with me." "When?" I say with a concerned expression. "Like, right before you, Kenny, and Hails came over." he says. "Are you okay?" I put my hand on his arm. "Yeah." he shrugs. I sit back in my stool. "You don't truly love her, right?" I ask hesitatly. He sighs and shakes his head no. "She is only 17." I say with sympathy. "I love someone else." he confesses. "That's great! Who? Is she your age or around your age?" I laugh. "Uh, she's uh, she lives out of state." he says. "I want to meet her." I smirk. "Yeah." he purses his lips and plays with the eggs on his plate with his fork. "Do you want to come to my party tonight?" "Yeah, sure."

I left Justin's house over an hour ago. I knew Sofia and him weren't going to last long. I'm very glad I've reconnected with him. He's an amazing person. He's a different person, a good kind of different. It's kinda weird that we've dated in the past but I'm never uncomfortable when I'm around him. Right now I'm visiting my brother, Frankie, in the rehab center.
"How've you been?" I smile at Frankie across the gray table. "So good! I'm glad you convinced me to come here." he grins. I nod and smile. "How are you?" "Good. Schools good. The apartment is good in Connecticut, but the weather isn't." I laugh. "Can you move back here?" he asks. "Frankie I-" "Please, Ariana. I'm getting out of here in a few weeks and you're the only family I've got, and I'm the only family you've got." he says with watery eyes. I've never seen him this way, so vulnerable. He has only ever seen me cry. Maybe I should move back. Or he can move back to Connecticut with me? "Why don't you move back to Connecticut with me?" I suggest. "I have to do drug tests here every 2 weeks for a year, Ari. And I don't want to live anywhere else. I actually like it here when I'm sober. It's beautiful. There's so much people here. And Kendall and Hailey live here. I don't want to leave here. We both have good and bad memories here. Mostly bad, but I know you have good memories. In your senior year, I could tell how happy you were getting. I could tell how Ken and Hails were cheering you up whenever you were down. I also know how special that boy Justin made you feel. Even though we rarely talked, I am always your brother and I know what goes on. You would always smile when I brought him and your best friends up while we were face timing when you first left to Connecticut. You love them so much and they love you. I also love you sissy." he says. "You're making me cry." I smile wiping away my tears. "You're right, but I can't just drop everything and move here. I want to graduate from this college." I say. "When do you graduate?" "Early May." "Only two more months! And you have spring break in two weeks." Oh my god. I totally forgot about that. Did I really forget to write 'Spring Break' on my calendar? "Oh my god, I'm so dumb. I literally forgot to put spring break on calendar." He laughs. "I just you're staying here two weeks." "Ken and Hails are going to scream." I laugh. "Go have fun with your friends," he says as we both stand up realizing it's time for me to leave. "Thank you for visiting me, I love you, sissy." he says as a hugs me. We let go and I walk out of the door and start driving to Ken and Hails house.

"OH MY GOD! REALLY?" Kendall squeals while Hailey dances around the apartment. "Yeah." I smile. They both embrace me in a ginormous bear hug. "We're going to have so much fun!" Hailey says. We all let go. "Justin is throwing a party tonight, do you guys want to come to celebrate?" I say. "Of course!" Hailey says. "Yes!" Kendall says. "Lets get ready then!"

"You look hot Ari!" Kendall says whilst putting on a sparkly choker

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"You look hot Ari!" Kendall says whilst putting on a sparkly choker. "Thanks," I laugh. "Uh, Justin is outside, he's taking me to the party." I say getting my purse. "Okay." Kendall says. "Yeah that's fine, Ari." Hailey says. "Okay bye, see you at the party." I wave by and walk out of the door.

"Hey." I say, putting on my seatbelt. "Hi." he smiles. "You look nice." I say looking at his white button up shirt with tiny black dots and ripped black jeans. "Thanks." "You look very pretty." I laugh. "Thank you." "You ready?" "Yeah." He pulls out of the complex. I look out the window while Childish Gambino plays quietly. "I'm staying another week here." "Really?" "Yeah, I totally forgot to put 'Spring Break' on my calendar." He laughs. "Well I'm excited that I get to spend more time with you." I smile at him and continue to look out the window.

i hope you liked chapter 6 of 'Forever Boy'😌

this chapter is so cute lol.

i'm literally about to write the next one, it's going to be very cute as well!!

hopefully i can continue updating this story this fast lmao.

thank you for reading🥀

love and see you in the next chapter❤️

Forever Boy (Sequel To LML) | JB & AGWhere stories live. Discover now