Chapter 3

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I swipe my light pink lipgloss on my lips while Kendall and Hailey are yelling at the top of their lungs for me to hurry. "I'm coming!" I yell, putting the lipgloss in my makeup bag.
"Finally." Kendall says. "You look cute." Hailey says. "I tried." "Okay lets go!" Hailey smiles. She still has the same big, happy smile from high school. Hailey is always happy. I've only seen her sad twice in our 4 years of friendship. That's why I love being around her. She has such a good energy that surrounds her.


I didn't know how stressful it is backstage at a fashion show. Models are running, trying to get in dressed and get in line. Makeup and hair artists are yelling at the models to hurry so they can do finishing touches. "Ari!" Kendall yells, waving her hand. I walk to where she and Hailey are—"The show is about to start, go sit so you won't miss anything." Kendall smiles, excited for her show. Hailey turns around to talk to a model. "Okay, good luck." I say. Hailey turns around—"Good luck..." I smile, embracing them both in a hug. "I'm so proud of you two." I add as I let go. They both smile and thank me. "Oh! I forgot to tell you, we're going to a party after the show." Hailey says. "Alright." I smile. "I'm going to go sit, I love you guys." I say, walking away. "Love you too!" they say in unison. I walk out of the white curtains, I walk all the way to the front and sit down next to a man with a shaved head. He's wearing all black—he looks good, not gonna lie. Well the back of his head. Mystery guy is talking to a girl on his right. I look around, everyone looks eager for the show to start. I've only been to one of these shows. I'll try to keep my eyes open for this one. That was harsh, but I almost did fall asleep at the first show I went to.

The lights dim, people start clapping. Kendall, Hailey, and their manager, Helen, walk out, they start clapping even more and whistles and screams of 'I love you' is all that I hear. "Welcome to the K+H Spring Fashion Show!" Kendall, Hailey, and Helen say in unison—more screams. "Thank you everyone for coming tonight." Hailey says. "I'm very proud of these two girls, give them another round of applause." Helen smiles and claps. The whole venue is filled with claps and screams. A few seconds later, the clapping dies down. "Thank you, Helen." Kendall says while Hailey nods and smiles. "Everyone please welcome, The K+H Spring Line!" Helen says. More claps as the lights turn off. The light turn on but very dim and the first model walks out. She's wearing a light pink sequin mini dress with a white shirt under, fishnet tights, chunky black boots, and her hair pin straight. I love the edgy yet girlyness in the clothes they design.


The show is finally over. People are taking pictures with Kendall and Hailey while I sit on my chair. I put my sunglasses on because I'm really not in the mood to talk right now. Mystery guy left with that girl he was talking to. I never saw his face, him and the girl left when the lights turned on. I decide to get up and walk around the venue just because I'm bored as hell. I take my sunglasses off and start wondering around, hopefully I find something interesting. I see some paintings and walk over to them.

When I was a little girl, around seven or eight, I used to want to be an artist. My mother always used to paint. Fruits and flowers were her favorite to paint. Mostly because they were easier than portraits or something more extravagant. I have one of her paintings in my apartment in Connecticut. It's of four sunflowers in a vase. She said they represented her, Frankie, my dad, and I. They were her favorite flowers. "These are pretty paintings, huh?" someone says, making me yelp. "Oh, sorry for scaring you." I look at the person and it's a tall girl. I am wearing heels but if I wasn't she'd be tall. Anyone is tall to me, I'm only 5 foot. She looks about 5'5 or 5'6. "It's fine." I laugh. "And yeah, these paintings are really pretty." I add. "My favorite is the sunset. It's so pleasing to look at." she says. "Do you come here a lot?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm a model. A lot of the shows are here." she says. "Cool." I say. There is a pause. "I think I sat close to you at tonight's show." she says. "Oh, really?" I ask. "Mhm," she nods, "Are you friends with Kendall or Hailey?" she adds. "Yeah, I am, we've been best friends since high school." I smile. "What the hell, that's so dope." she says. "So what's your name?" she adds. "Ariana. But you can call me Ari, if you want. What's yours?" I ask. "Sofia." she smiles.

i hope you enjoyed chapter 3 of 'Forever Boy'😇

sorry ive been gone so long, my phone broke and i barely got it back today!

i missed writing so much...

pls don't be mad at me for the ending😂

the next chap will be longer since they're going to his bday party...🌚

(i know im a HUGE FLOP, i always say they're going to be longer even though they never are, but i promise next chap is going to be longer! and yes justin has a shaved head in this story and ari has bangs!)

thank you for reading💓

love you and see you in the next chapter...😌


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