Chapter 2

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I grab my suitcase from baggage claim and started to walk outside for my ride—Kendall and Hailey. I sit down on a random bench and play music. I figured out what those things I used to write in my journal. They were songs. I was just too afraid to admit it. I still write from time to time. Just not as much as I used to. The most recent one is called, "Thinking Bout You". I wrote it like 3 months ago. I just don't have time to write. When you're a substitute teacher and a college student, your schedule is pretty full. But this week my schedule was clear. Maybe it was fate telling me that this will be a good trip. I need a break, from everything—"Ariana!" I look up and see my best friends. I get up and hug both of them so tightly. They do the same.


I grab a hand full of popcorn and shove it in my mouth as I watch The Breakfast Club while Hailey and Kendall are in their rooms sleeping. They have to wake up around 4:30 a.m. I also have too but I'm a night owl. I pause the movie and start looking around the house. I stop walking as a picture catches my eye in the hallway.

 I stop walking as a picture catches my eye in the hallway

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It's crazy how vividly I remember that night.

"Hailey!" Kendall yells through the blaring music. We can't find Hailey anywhere. She's probably dancing but who knows. "Hails?" I squint at the tall blonde sitting alone on the couch with a canned drink in her hand. She looks up—it's her. "Hailey! We've been looking everywhere for you!" I scold her. "Chill out Ari." she laughs. I sigh. Kendall's drunk self falls on the lazily on the couch. "Ari!" I hear a male voice say. I look to where I heard the voice and it's my dreamy boyfriend, Justin. I smile. I throw my hands around him as he kisses my cheek. We let go. "What are you doing?" he asks. His eyes are trance, they make me fall to the floor. "Kendall and I just found Hails. Now I don't even know what we're doing." I look over at Kendall and Hailey laughing. Probably at something stupid or nothing—they're a little dumb when they're drunk. I laugh and turn my attention back to Justin. "Justin!" Kendall yells. "Yeah Kenny?" he asks. "Take a picture of me and Ari and Hails!" Kendall and Hailey smile eagerly. "Okay." he says, laughing a little. Hailey grabs my hand and sits me down on the couch. "I want to look like I didn't know the picture was taken." Hailey says. I let out a small laugh. "1... 2... 3..." the flash goes off. Someone bumps into Justin making him stumble. "Let's see!" Hailey says. "Aw it's blurry." she says. "I kinda like it." I say. "Yeah me too." Kendall smiles. "Eh, me too! It looks even more candid." Hailey shrugs.

My second party.

I need that picture.

I lay back down on the cozy couch and turn off the TV. Memories of high school run through my brain. Like when Hailey and I went a football game and got lost in the stadium looking for the nacho stand. Kendall couldn't go because she was too sick. Literally throwing up everywhere. Or the time when Kendall, Hailey, Justin, and I thought we were cool enough to slide across the freshly mopped floor at school in socks without falling. We all fell on our asses and Hailey ended up going to the hospital. She broke her tailbone. All these wonderful, hilarious memories always play in my mind. I will absolutely, 100% never forget that last one.

When I'm thinking about memories from years ago, sometimes my mind wonders to the boyfriend I had in highschool. My only boyfriend ever, Justin. I truly loved him. He made me feel so special. I was the happiest gal when he was around. Kendall and Hailey always used to tell me I looked so happy with him. I was. I wonder what he's up to now. Does he still have that dirty blonde messy hair? Did he get more tattoos? Is he still living in LA? Or did he move back to Canada like he said he would?—Hey, it's his birthday tomorrow. That's a coincidence. I'm back in my hometown and his birthday is tomorrow. I hope he's successful and not doing anything that harms anyone.

One of my favorite memories is when Kendall, Hailey, Justin, and I took pictures after graduation. It felt special. Accomplishing something great with your best friends and at-the-time-boyfriend is so amazing.

My favorite memory of all time is when Kendall, Hailey, Justin, and I traveled to Orange County to visit my parents. I remember that so vividly. It's kinda scary. I remember what I said, how I felt.

"Mom. Dad. I graduated high school." I smile at the gravestones. "After you passed I had everyone hate me because a girl said that I lied about it. I would never lie about that." a tear falls down my cheek. "Remember Selena? My best friend since third grade? It was her," I wipe my tear away. "Um, that lasted until senior year of high school. Then, I met three amazing people who love me so much." I say. "And dad, I'm sorry, but I have another man in my life," I laugh. "But I know you would like him if you were still here." I say. "I also got into Yale. I hope your proud of me." I stand up as I wipe the tears away. "Um, I love you so much and I wish I visited you guys before this but I just couldn't. So I hope you forgive me." I say. "I miss you." I drop two daisies on the grass. I sigh and look up then smile.

I smile at the image in my phone. I took a picture of those two daisies before we drove to Orange County.

It's crazy how one image can bring you back.

i hope you liked chapter 2 of 'Forever Boy'!💜

sorry i took so long, i wasn't really inspired to write. and i started school not too long ago... sigh.

and i made that edit... im proud of myself😂

but tell me what you think about this chapter😇

love and see you in chapter 3😌


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