Chapter 7

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We arrived to his house quickly. He left his house unsupervised while a party was happening, I hope nothing happened. "I forgot how short you are." Justin yells over the music. I laugh. "Be quiet." I make myself and Justin a drink, "Ken and Hails are here, I gotta go get them, I'll see you later though, alright?" He nods. I go to the front of the house and run to Kendall and Hailey. "Hey guys," "I'm ready to celebrate!" Hailey smiles.
We go back to the kitchen and Justin is no where to be seen. He's probably with his friends or outside. "Anyone up for flip cup?" A random guy yells. "I want to go." I say. "Go. We'll be rooting for you," Kendall laughs, "Hailey and I are going to get a drink and dance, alright?" "Alright." I nod and walk to the guy. "I want to play." I say. "You? I don't think a little woman like you can handle a drinking game." "Oh really?" "Yup." "Count me in the game. I'll show y'all how much I can take." "Alright, babe." "Don't call me that."

"Today we're playing with vodka instead of beer, alright?" the guy says as everyone cheers. Lord, that's basically 3 shots. "The first player from each team starts. You drink the vodka and flip the cup upside down, I'm pretty sure you all have played this game before," he explains the rules, "Ready, set, go!" the guy yells. Jade and Nati start the game off. Nati, on my team, flips the cup on her first try and finishes first. My team cheers her on. Vince, on my team, and Jacob are drinking now but Jacob is a little ahead. Jacob flips the cup. "Vince come on!" I yell along with everyone else on my side. "It's now between Ariana and Chase!" He struggles to get his cup flipped. I drink the vodka quickly. I make a face at the burning in my throat. "You're going to lose white boy." I yell over the cheers and music. "Keep on saying that, baby." he says. I flip the cup finally. "We won!" I yell as everyone cheers my team on. "I told you I would win, looks like a 'little woman like me' can handle a simple game, asshole." I whisper to the guy who was hosting the game. "Good job team!" I give them high fives. I walk to the kitchen. "Who wants to do shots?" I yell. The people in the kitchen shout and start lining up shots of tequila. I grab two shots and down them. "Wooo! Go Ari!" I hear Hailey say. "Hailey! Oh my god, I just won flip cup!" My buzzed self says. "Congrats?" she laughs. "Where's Kenny?" I ask. "Dancing." "Oh. Take shots with me!" "Alright!" Hailey and I take 2 shots. "Ariana." I hear Justin's voice. I quickly turn around. "Justin!" I run up to him and hug him. "How much did you drink?" he yells over the music. "What?" I yell back. "Lets go upstairs." he says. "Why?" I smirk. He chuckles. "Come on Ariana." he says while grabbing my wrist and run to the stairs. I almost trip on the last step. "Justin..." I sing as I stumble around his hallway. "Where are you taking me?" I manage to say. He takes me to his room and sits me down on the bed. "How much did you drink?" he asks. "I..." I trail off. "I played a game." I giggle. "What game?" he asks. "Cup flip, I think." I scratch my eyebrow. He laughs, "You mean flip cup?" he says. "Oh yeah!" I laugh hysterically. I rest my head on his shoulder as my laughter calms down. "Can you play with my hair?" I ask. He giggles and starts stroking my hair. I take off my huge bomber jacket leaving me in my oversized white hoodie. "Continue." I say putting his hand on my head. "You're real cute." he says. "So are you." I put my chin on his shoulder. His forehead touches mine. "Can you show me Heartbreaker in your journal?" I whisper.

"This is my favorite part." I point to the end of Heartbreaker. Justin begins to read it out loud.
'So what I'm really tryna say is,
And what I hope you understand,
Is despite of all the imperfections of who I am
I still wanna be your man,
I know it hasn't been easy for us to talk with everyone being around,
But this is personal, this is for me and you
And I want you to know that I still love you
I know the seasons may change,
And sometimes love goes from sunshine to rain,
And I'm under this umbrella and I'm calling your name,
And you know I don't wanna lose that
I still believe in us'
I giggle. "What?" he says. "I know who this is about." I smirk. His whole face turns a bright shade of red. "Who?" he says. "Me." "You're drunk as hell, Ariana." "It's about me!" I laugh. "Come with me to the bathroom." "What are we going to do in there?" I smirk. He laughs. "Come on."

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