Chapter 4

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We reach the front door at this huge house in the Hollywood Hills. That Sofia girl told me she was headed to a party tonight too. I think she told me her boyfriends party? My memory is so bad. "Are you ready to party tonight!?" Hailey smiles. "Hell yeah!" Kendall says. I really miss parties. I never drank at the parties I went to. I was always to sober friend that drives people home or anywhere. I still am. I can hear the loud music inside and see lights in the backyard. Someone familiar looking opens the door. "Happy birthday!" Kendall and Hailey hug the familiar male. "Thanks guys." I was thrown off by his voice. I squint at the man. Kendall and Hailey let go. "You still squint, Ari? Where are your glasses?" the man says. "What? How do you know my name?" I furrow my eyebrows. They all start hysterically laughing. "Do you really not remember me?" he says, kinda shocked. I start thinking. Where did I see this man? Oh! "I sat next to you at Ken and Hails fashion show!" I point at him. "You sure you haven't seen me anywhere else?" he asks taking a sip of his beer. "Uhh, no sorry." I say truthfully. His facial expression changed fast. "But happy birthday!" I awkwardly laugh. "Okay, Ari," he laughs, "Come on in." he says, opening the door. We walk in, I see Sofia walking up to us. Me thinking, she's probably going to say hi to me. "Jus!" she squeals running up to the man that swears I've seen him other than the show earlier. "Hey babe." he kisses her on the cheek and puts his arm around her. She looks at me in shock. "Oh, hey Ari!" Sofia says. "Hey Sofia!" I smile. "You guys know each other?" 'Jus' says. "Yeah. I met her at the show. We were looking at the pretty paintings." she smiles. I nod. "Ari, this is my boyfriend Justin, Justin this is my new friend Ari." she smiles. "Oh I already know her." 'Justin' says. "How?" Sofia laughs. "We used to be... boyfriend and girlfriend in high school." he says awkwardly. It hit me. My face went pale. "Oh my gosh! Justin? Justin Bieber?" I smile. "Yes." Justin laughs. "Oh my god!" I give him a huge hug. He hugs me back. "It's really you! I feel like a fucking idiot." I let go and see a very angry Sofia. Hopefully this isn't one of those girlfriends that get jealous over literally everything and act like their still in high school when they're around the age of 20—wow... I just realized that the ex girlfriend is meeting the current girlfriend. I already made a bad move. Oh well it's not like I'm staying here forever. "Don't. It's okay. It's not your fault you have bad eye sight." he says making me smile then laugh. "It was so nice seeing you. Oh my god, happy birthday Jay." I say. "You too. And thanks." he smiles. "Well Ken and Hails left to the kitchen I think. I talk to you later." I say, walking to the kitchen. "You finally found out who the mysterious man who opened the door for us is?" Hailey says while Kendall laughs. "Yes," I say slapping her arm, "How come you didn't tell me it was his party?" I add. "We thought you would know once you saw him." Hailey says. "Well I met his girlfriend." I sigh. "Ooh." Kendall says. "Ouch." Hailey says. "What?" I say. "She is so annoying." Kendall groans. "Really?" I say. "Mhm." "She acts like a teenager all. the. time." Hailey says while I drink my water. "Maybe because she is one?" Kendall says. "True." Hailey laughs. "'Justin I want this. I want that'." Kendall says in a squeaky voice. "So annoying." Hailey says. "How old is she?" I ask taking another drink of my water. "17." My jaw drops. Along with the water that was in my mouth. "Are you kidding? He's 23 tonight right?" I ask cleaning my mouth with a napkin. "Yup." Kendall says, swirling the ice around in her drink with a skinny black straw. "Wow. That's like, illegal." I say. "Mhm. Sad how he can get any woman yet he messes around with children." Hailey says. "Ouch." I whisper. Kendall chuckles. "Well I'm going to go look around, like I always do at parties." I laugh. "We'll call you if we need anything," Hailey smiles, "And I'll call you if I need anything." I laugh. "Bye!" I say, walking out of the kitchen. There's a lot of people here. They all look familiar. High school reunion that I'm unaware of?
I somehow miraculously, ended up in Justin's room. I shouldn't be up here, but I had to, since a picture by his TV caught my eye.

 I shouldn't be up here, but I had to, since a picture by his TV caught my eye

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That picture is from my 18th surprise birthday party. It was at Justin's house. I told him I didn't want to do anything for my birthday but of course, he threw a huge surprise birthday party. For the most part, everyone came, I was surprised. I remember when we took that picture.

"Justin... I didn't need a photo booth at my party." I say. "It's for memories, sweetheart." he smirks. "Well, thanks Jus." I smile and peck his lips. "Let's go make memories then." I smile and pull him in front of the camera. "I hate taking pictures." I say covering my mouth and laughing. "It's not that bad." Justin looks at me and smiles. The flash went off. We did a few smiling ones and one of me kissing his cheek. Once we were done we pick up the camera and look at the four pictures we took. "I like this one." Justin says pointing to the one of us smiling with his arms around my waist. "I kinda like the first one." I say. "Yeah that one is cute," he says, pecking my cheek, "I'll frame it and put it in my room." he adds, smiling.

Haha, I thought he was joking...

"I remember that night too." a male voice says, making me drop the frame and scream. I look over to the door... Justin. "Fuck you scared me." I laugh, picking up the frame and putting it back by the TV. "Let's take a picture... for memories." he smirks. "Okay." I roll my eyes. He puts his phone up, I do a kissy face and put a peace sign up.

"You're still 5 foot?" he laughs

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"You're still 5 foot?" he laughs. I hit his arm, laughing. "Shut up Justin." I laugh. "Woah, sounds weird being called 'Justin', by you." he says. "Why?" I say. "You always used to call me Jus or other names that... involved us dating," he says, "Now all I get called by Sofia is 'Juju'." he adds, making a funny face. I start laughing. "What the fuck is a 'Juju'?" I laugh. "Don't ask me." he says. "Can I ask you a question?" I say. "Yeah, of course, anything." he says. "Why are you dating a 17 year old?" I ask as he sighs deeply. "She's literally a little baby Justin. She still needs to figure everything out," I say and he rolls his eyes, "I'm just looking out for you, okay?" I say. "Yeah." he sighs.


It's currently 1:00 a.m. and I've never been more tired in my life. I'm used to the Connecticut time. It's 4:00 a.m. in Connecticut. "Bye Justin, it was nice seeing you. Happy birthday!" I say giving Justin a huge hug. "Thanks Ari. Nice seeing you too." he smiles. I got Justin's number. I'm glad I get to stay in contact with him now. Mostly because I want to know what happens with Sofia... I know that's not going to last very long.

i hope you enjoyed chapter 4 of 'Forever Boy'💛

i made it a little longer than the other chapters so i hope it satisfies you😊

credit to @ jelenaids.manips on instagram for the first manip i put, and credit to @ bocauhl on instagram for the second manip i put!!

thank you for reading🌷

love and see you in the next chap!


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